New iOS Release 2.22.0

The 2.22.0 update is available in the App Store.

What’s new:

  • New widget: Reports - a powerful tool to export you data in CSV format. We got it covered in documentation:
  • New widget: Text Input
  • New widget: Numeric Input
  • Fixed issue with Twitter authorization
  • Terminal widget now supports clear command
  • Device Tiles: added showing firmware version of the device
  • Slightly updated Styled Button and Segmented Switch widgets look
  • Some other bugfixes

If you’re on local server, remember to update your server to the latest version first.


How do you clear the new text input programmatically? I tried virtual write with no luck. And not seeing anything in docs as of yet.

Did you try to send virtualWrite on the same pin with, let’s say, space?

No only “”. I can try that when I get home.

Wouldn’t it not show the hint text if I use a space?

As suspected a space makes it so you can no longer see the hint text. And you also have to delete the space character before entering other text. Is there any other way of clearing the new text input widget programmatically?

@Amorphous no.

This is a hack I used to make the text Input a bit better for me… but unfortunately you do lose the hint text after the first use (until you press backspace… I tried hardcoding in a backspace, but that also does not work :frowning: )