Terminal.clear() not working (in iOS)

in the last app update on Android one of the news is that terminal now supports clear command. Example sketch shows that the way to do it is by typing terminal.clear();.

When trying to build a project that includes this command I get an error saying “‘class WidgetTerminal’ has no member named ‘clear’”.

I’ve update all libraries.
Is this function not implemented yet or what am I doing wrong?

it is not implemented yet, need server and library update… This could be happens soon if I understood right

This command will be available only in new library release. Or you may take the latest code from the github.

Terminal.clear() works on Android 2.24.0 but does not on iPhone 2.20.0.

Running Local Server: v0.37.3
Lib: 0.5.3

@Eugene please take a look

Will add support for Terminal.clear in next update.
Thanks for pointing out