Micropython and Blynk 2.0 libary

Hi all. I am after a bit of help.

I am using a pycom gpy. Cannot change to Arduino! wish I could but cannot due to cellular compliance

Currently using Micropython and am trying to connect to Blynk 2.0 servers using current library

and basic sketch virtual write/ read

I only need to use virtual pins and do not need any of the new functions

Can any one please tell me what I need to change in base sketch and library to connect to Blynk 2.0

I believe I need to send template ID some how?



I have tried changing the URL to

Ports 80, 442, 8080

This was raised as an issue on 16th April…

But @vshymanskyy hasn’t responded.

It seems that the template ID etc are only needed for dynamic provisioning, but it would appear that people are struggling to get a basic connection.
I assume that this is because the server URL is different and needs to be changed to blynk.cloud

I’m not a Python user, so can’t really help much further I’m afraid.



Will be releasing the python library update soon. Hopefully, with Blynk.Edgent support for Rasperry Pi!


Fantastic, thank you.

The new app is fantastic.

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Thanks for the efforts, will that include dynamic provisioning for WiFi.

@vshymanskyy Micropython Library
Do you have an ETA on this library?
End of month or earlier perhaps?

Even if you have a BETA library with just VPins for my development.

Would love to have a library before my next payment.

Thanks Ryan
Perth WA

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Simple version can be released soon, but provisioning/OTA will take more time (some weeks, I hope)


@FCS which exactly device/board are you using with Micropython?

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Thanks for the update

I am using the Pycom Gpy. Using LTE comms.
With Custom PCB
Only using invite provisioning with ssl

Good luck with OTA. I can understand how hard this is to support. Pycom has already written code for this as part of their own stack. They also offer it as a roll your own solution

I wish more Micros and wireless chips were RCM certified. The ESP modules are not pre certified for Australia :sob::sob:

Perth WA


Would love to have the base functionality asap so we can start rebuilding on the new cloud version.


Please consider this scenario when you are looking to implement provisioning/OTA.

Will have great time if you can provide initial Micro Python Library with support for Dynamic wifi provisioning, ex .Edgent.

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Hi @vshymanskyy

Do you have a simple version yet?
Or an ETA?

yes, we have!
will be sharing soon


Hi @vshymanskyy ,
Please let me know on the support for ESP32 over micro python on new Blynk cloud. I am using older version of Blynk mpy library for my prototype , can that be tweaked for new cloud and template pls.

@vshymanskyy @PeteKnight , I am using the new Python Library on ESP32, presently have made my own wifi provisioning on ESP32 through web page & wifimanager for ESP32. However I am finding it difficult to handle disconnection of wifi. Can you please provide code for the same in python. The “Status” variable of “Connect” function does not give stable value.
Please help.

Thanks ,


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def blynk_connected(ping):
    print('Blynk ready. Ping:', ping, 'ms')

def blynk_disconnected():
    print('Blynk disconnected')

These have been working perfectly for me

I have an issue with random disconnections and ssl does not work
Will post code and terminal output soon
It connects with ssl and crashes

On the disconnect I have inserted a 5 second delay and the reconnect works 90% of the time

Currently, my personal Python library was updated to support Blynk 2.0:

There’s also an initial implementation of Blynk.Edgent Dynamic Provisioning for Raspberry Pi (for advanced users)


Tested it with A9G Pudding board thru GPRS connection. From the first galnce, it does work with Blynk 2.0 in my case (except of @decorators which seems to be not supported by A9G micropython version). Very useful library, thanks.