Syntax Error on #define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID when running any script

For all Newbies on Blynk with a Raspberry Pi ( Rpi ):
There are 2 Blynk (s):
The old Blynk , and
The New Blynk - - which is referred to as " Blynk 2.0 " or Blynk 2
The new Blynk is (Blynk 2.0) - which has its own IOS/Android App as well as a web interface which you need to signup
The old Blynk is with its own (different) App IOS/Android.

  • I know for a newbie it can be confusing… it was for me…-

Just take note that the old Blynk ( might be discontinued (my understanding?) and that new Blynk 2 is not yet working on Raspberry Pi ( RPi) with node.js (my experience).

The only way for now - August 2021 - to have a Raspberry Pi to connect to Blynk 2 ( is to use the Python Library according the forum :

I hope it will help others with Rapsberry Pi s in case you need.

This thread can be closed I guess. - or updated with a date of availability of the node.js / npm availability of the blynk-library (2.0) updates… @BlynkTeam ?