How to use TASMOTA inside BLYNK and HOME ASSISTANT [Work in Progress]

Adding GPIO4 and GPIO14 to ESP-01


You are very good and precise in the welding. That is not an easy task…

  • My Dual mode Scale

Four Pole Double Throw (4PDT) Latching Push Button Switch, PCB you can find it HERE

Using the 6 Pins of the ESP8266-01

COLOR Code :

  • GPIO0 Back

  • GPIO1 Brown

  • GPIO2 Red

  • GPIO3 Orange

  • GPIO4 Yellow

  • GPIO14 Green

  • Vcc Violet (normaly I use ORANGE for 3.3V)

  • Gnd Blue (and BLACK for GND)

1 Like
  • Changes made to previous “BLYNK” sketch

add lines to “Settings.h”

/*-------------------------------Virtual Pins---------------------------------*/
  #define vPIN_HX711_WEIGHT       V51
  #define vPIN_HX711_COUNT        V52
  #define vPIN_HX711_RESET        V53     // Reset SCALE to Zero
  #define vPIN_ON_OFF_OLED        V54     // Turn ON/OFF I2C OLED SCALE


//=============================================TAB 2===========================

//---------------------------------------------SCALE-----(I2C  OLED)-----------
    if (param.asInt()) {
    } else {

  BLYNK_WRITE(vPIN_HX711_RESET) {    // Reset SCALE to Zero 
    if (param.asInt()) {


//=========================================TAB 2=============================================

// MQT: Scale01/tele/SENSOR = 
    }else if (String(topic) == InTOPIC_10) { // Scale01/tele/SENSOR
      StaticJsonBuffer<150> jsonBuffer;
      JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject((char*)payload);
        const char* Time = root["Time"];                      // 2019-03-19T13:19:16
             float  Weight = root["HX711"]["Weight"]; // 0.250
                int  Count = root["HX711"]["Count"];  // 250
        Blynk.setProperty (vPIN_HX711_WEIGHT,"color","#ffff00");  // YELLOW   
        Blynk.setProperty (vPIN_HX711_COUNT,"color","#04C0F8");   // BLYNK_BLUE  


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  • Another quick made Board for Testing & Prog. ESP-01

  • Using the 4 Pins of the ESP8266-01



“BLYNK” Tasmota Project _# 4

  • My TASMOTA Clock


Commands Parameters
Channel<x> 0..100 = set PWM channel dimmer value from 0 to 100%
Color Show color setting (hex or decimal depending on SetOption17 )
r,g,b = set color by decimal value ( 0..255 )
#CWWW = set hex color value for CT lights
#RRGGBB = set hex color value for RGB lights
#RRGGBBWW = set hex color value for RGBW lights
#RRGGBBCWWW = set hex color value for RGBCCT lights (5 PWM channels)
Set color to
1 = red
2 = green
3 = blue
4 = orange
5 = light green
6 = light blue
7 = amber
8 = cyan
9 = purple
10 = yellow
11 = pink
12 = white (using RGB channels)
+ = next color
- = previous color
Color2 Same as Color but adjust to current Dimmer value
Color3 #RRGGBB = set seconds clock hand hex color value (only in Scheme 5 )
Color4 #RRGGBB = set minutes clock hand hex color value (only in Scheme 5 )
Color5 #RRGGBB = set hour clock hand hex color value (only in Scheme 5 )
Color6 #RRGGBB = set clock hour marker hex color value (only in Scheme 5 )
CT 153..500 = set color temperature from 153 (cold) to 500 (warm) for CT lights
+ = increase CT value by 10
- = decrease CT value by 10
Dimmer 0..100 = set dimmer value from 0 to 100%
+ = increase by 10
- = decrease by 10
Fade 0 = do not use fade (default)
1 = use fade
HsbColor <hue>,<sat>,<bri> = set color by hue, saturation and brightness
HsbColor1 0..360 = set hue
HsbColor2 0..100 = set saturation
HsbColor3 0..100 = set brightness
Led<x> #RRGGBB = set Led<x> hex color value where <x> is the pixel number (aplies only to addressable LEDs)
LedTable 0 = do not use LED gamma correction (default up to
1 = use gamma correction (default since
Pixels 1..512 = set amount of pixels in strip or ring and reset Rotation (applies only to addressable LEDs)
Rotation <value> = set amount of pixels to rotate (up to Pixels value) (applies only to addressable LEDs)
Scheme Light effects
+ = next scheme
- = previous scheme
0 = single color for LED light (default)
1 = start wake up sequence (same as Wakeup )
2 = cycle up through colors using Speed option
3 = cycle down through colors using Speed option
4 = random cycle through colors using Speed and Fade
The following schemes are usable only with addressable LEDs, e.g. WS281X, Neopixel
5 = clock mode (example)
6 = candlelight pattern
7 = RGB pattern
8 = Christmas pattern
9 = Hannukah pattern
10 = Kwanzaa pattern
11 = rainbow pattern
12 = fire pattern
Speed 1..20 = set fade speed from fast 1 to very slow 20
+ = increase speed
+ = decrease speed
Wakeup Start wake up sequence from OFF to stored Dimmer value
0..100 = Start wake up sequence from OFF to provided Dimmer value
WakeupDuration 1..3600 = set wake up duration in seconds
White 1..100 = set white channel brightness in single white channel lights (single W or RGBW lights)
Width1 0..4 = set LED group width (only in Scheme 6 - 12 )
Width2 0..30 = set width of the seconds clock hand (only in Scheme 5 )
Width3 0..30 = set width of the minutes clock hand (only in Scheme 5 )
Width4 0..30 = set width of the hour clock hand (only in Scheme 5 )
See also SetOption15 - Set PWM control
SetOption16 - Reverse Clock Scheme direction
SetOption17 - Show Color string as hex or decimal
SetOption20 - Update of Dimmer/Color/CT without turning power on
SetOption37 - Color remapping for led channels
1 Like

Clock 0 - 4 Schemes (Light effects) are available in Home Assistant.
You can Read inputs and Control outputs in “ BLYNK ” app using MQTT.

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Good job Pico


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“BLYNK” Tasmota Project _# 5

  • Sonoff POW R2


  • Official Firmware Pictures

Message        | Unit | Description
TotalStartTime | Date | DateTime of calculation for Total
Total          | kWh  | Total Energy usage including Today
Yesterday      | kWh  | Total Energy usage between 00:00 and 24:00 yesterday
Today          | kWh  | Total Energy usage today from 00:00 until now
Period         | Wh   | Energy usage between previous message and now
Power          | W    | Current effective power load
ApparentPower  | W    | Power load on the cable = sqrt(Power^2 + 
               |      | ReactivePower^2)
ReactivePower  | W    | Reactive load
Factor         |      | The ratio of the real power flowing to the load to
               |      | the apparent power in the circuit 
Voltage        | V    | Current line voltage
Current        | A    | Current line current

  • Commands for Devices with Power Monitoring [Sonoff POW, POWR2, S31, S20, PZEM ,…etc]

Command Parameters
AmpRes Current sensor resolution
0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
CurrentHigh 0 = disable current high threshold (default)
<value> = set current high threshold value in miliamps
CurrentLow 0 = disable current low threshold (default)
<value> = set current low threshold value in miliamps
CurrentSet <value> = calibrate current to target value in mA
EnergyRes Energy sensor resolution
0..5 = maximum number of decimal places
EnergyReset Show Energy Total, Yesterday and Today
EnergyReset1 0..42500 = (§re)set Energy Today in Wh
EnergyReset2 0..42500 = (§re)set Energy Yesterday in Wh
EnergyReset3 0..42500000 = (§re)set Energy Total in Wh
FreqRes Frequency sensor resolution
0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
FrequencySet <value> = calibrate frequency to a target value in Hz
MaxPower 0 - disable use maximum power monitoring
<value> = set maximum allowed power in W
MaxPowerHold 1 = set default time to 10 seconds to stay over MaxPower before power off
<value> = set time in seconds to stay over MaxPower before power off
MaxPowerWindow 1 = set default time to 30 seconds to stay power off before re-applying power up to 5 times
<value> = set time in seconds to stay power off before re-applying power up to 5 times
PowerDelta 0 = disable reporting on power change
<value> = set reporting on percentage power change to send an MQTT telemetry message
PowerHigh 0 = disable power high threshold (default)
<value> = set power high threshold value in W to send an MQTT telemetry message
PowerLow 0 = disable power low threshold (default)
<value> = set power low threshold value in W to send an MQTT telemetry message
PowerSet <value> = calibrate power to a target value in W
Status 8 = show power usage
9 = show power thresholds
VoltageHigh 0 = disable voltage high threshold (default)
<value> = set voltage high threshold value in V
VoltageLow 0 = disable voltage low threshold (default)
<value> = set voltage low threshold value in V
VoltageSet <value> = calibrate voltage to a target value in V
VoltRes Voltage sensor resolution
0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
WattRes Power sensor resolution
0..3 = maximum number of decimal places
See Also SetOption21 - Energy monitoring when power is off
SetOption33 - Configure power monitoring Max_Power_Retry count number
  • TASMOTA working with Home Assistant

  • Showing a complete cycle of my Washing Machine

  • Showing 30 minutes .

  • Showing last 12 Hrs for my FRIDGE Voltage & Current consumption.

1 Like

  • Again changes made to previous “BLYNK” sketch

add lines to “Settings.h”

/*-------------------------------Virtual Pins---------------------------------*/

  #define vPIN_MONITOR            V61 
  #define vPIN_POWER              V62 
  #define vPIN_ENERGY             V63 
  #define vPIN_TIME               V64
  #define vPIN_WASHER_ON_OFF      V65

add lines to “mqtt_publish.h”

//=============================================TAB 3============================================

    if (param.asInt()) {
    } else {

add lines to “mqtt_subscribe.h”

  #define InTOPIC_11         "Washer/tele/SENSOR" 
  #define InTOPIC_12         "Washer/stat/POWER"


//========================================= TAB 3 =====================================


//MQT: Washer/tele/SENSOR = 

    }else if (String(topic) == InTOPIC_11) { // Washer/tele/SENSOR
      StaticJsonBuffer<350> jsonBuffer;
      JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject((char*)payload);
             float  vol = root["ENERGY"]["Voltage"];   
             float  cur = root["ENERGY"]["Current"];             
             float  power = root["ENERGY"]["Power"];   
             float  apow = root["ENERGY"]["ApparentPower"];             
             float  rpow = root["ENERGY"]["ReactivePower"];    
             float  pf = root["ENERGY"]["Factor"];                    
             float  today = root["ENERGY"]["Today"];                   
             float  yesterday = root["ENERGY"]["Yesterday"];                  
             float  total = root["ENERGY"]["Total"];                  
             float  period = root["ENERGY"]["Period"];                  
       const char*  StartTime = root["ENERGY"]["TotalStartTime"];                  
       const char*  Time = root["Time"];                  

        Blynk.setProperty (vPIN_MONITOR, "label",String("\xF0\x9F\x94\x8C")+"Voltage"+"                        "+String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"Current"+"                         "+String("\xF0\x9F\x94\x8B")+"Power");
        Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_MONITOR, (String (vol,1)+" V      "+String (cur,3)+" A      "+String(power,1)+" W   "));  
        Blynk.setProperty (vPIN_POWER, "label",String(String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"Power Factor"+"          "+String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"Apparent Power"+"         "+String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"Reactive Power"));
        Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_POWER, (String (pf,2)+"            "+String (apow,1)+" VA        "+String (rpow,1)+" VAr   "));  
        Blynk.setProperty (vPIN_ENERGY, "label",String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"ENERGY Today"+"            "+String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"ENERGY Yesterday"+"            "+String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"ENERGY Total");
        Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_ENERGY, (String (today,3)+"       "+String (yesterday,3)+"       "+String(total,3)+"  kWh  "));  
        Blynk.setProperty (vPIN_TIME, "label",String("\xE2\x8C\x9A")+"Time"+"                                  "+String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"TotalStartTime"+"                     "+String("\xE2\x9A\xA1")+"Period"+"   ");
        Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_TIME, (String (Time)+"    "+String (StartTime)+"    "+String (period,1)+"    "));  

    }else if (String(topic) == InTOPIC_12) { // Washer/stat/POWER
      StaticJsonBuffer<250> jsonBuffer;
      JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject((char*)payload);
        if ((char)payload[1] == 'N') {



  • In “BLYNK” app. many buttons can be added as:
  1. VoltageHigh & VoltageLow threshold value.
  2. CurrentHigh & CurrentLow threshold value.
  3. MaxPower, MaxPowerHold & MaxPowerWindow how to stay over MaxPower before power off.
  4. PowerHigh & PowerLow to send an MQTT telemetry message.
  5. EnergyReset1, EnergyReset2 & EnergyReset3 to set or reset Energy Values.

Congratulations I used the QR code to load the project. You could kindly share the integral code with the links, I am very grateful.

If you read my Post you will find all the codes on this page beginning from “HERE”.

As you can see with a Nodemcu with FW Tasmota 6.5 and with my PZEM-004T V3, I was able to correctly visualize the electrical energy measurement. Now I would like to see what Blynk did like you did, but I wouldn’t know how to do it if you could help me. Thank you so much .

pls. read more you will find all you need in this page.


Ok ok I’ll read it right and see if we understand something. But did you use Version 1 or Version 3 of the PZEM004T to make the energy meter? Thank you very much for answering me

To RESET ENERGY in Tasmota

Open “Console Menu” then
EnergyReset1 0 - to reset Energy Today
EnergyReset2 0 - to reset Energy Yesterday
EnergyReset3 0 - to reset Energy Total & Total Start Time

Command Parameters
EnergyReset1 0..42500 = (§re)set Energy Today in Wh
EnergyReset2 0..42500 = (§re)set Energy Yesterday in Wh
EnergyReset3 0..42500000 = (§re)set Energy Total in Wh
  • Something IMPORTANT I need to add :

All libraries (Ver.) I used in my BLYNK scketchs are the same Libraries selected by TASMOTA

  #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
  #include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
  #include <WiFiUdp.h>
  #include <ArduinoOTA.h>
  #include <PubSubClient.h>
  #include <ArduinoJson.h>
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