New Node-Red library: node-red-contrib-blynk-ws

New release today!! Please send feedback!!

0.8.0 - 2019-01-05


  • Node - Configuration - The configuration node can be “enable” or “disable” now, when disabled no connection is start on boot and all linked node show the red dot “disabled” status.
  • Node - Image Gallery - New node to simplify the use of this new widget (set images urls is not yet implemented in app)
  • Node - Set Property - Implemented “url, urls, opacity, rotation, scale” property for Image Gallery widget (blynk cloud or local server >= v0.39.4) [NOTE: url and urls property are not yet supported in app]
  • Check SLL certificate on connection for blynk cloud


  • All nodes - Conversion, where necessary, of “isBuffer” checks into “isArray” checks
  • All nodes - Avoid input processing on client node disconnected or disabled
  • Node - zeRGBa - Check if a valid RGB value is passed, otherwise it will generate an alert and the message will be discarded
  • Node - Table - It will generate an alert on a simple payload without other parameters and the message will be discarded
  • Increase heartbeat timeout to 15 seconds - see Blynk Server Issue #1294
  • Compatibility with Blynk Library 0.5.4


  • Node - Write - Now it accepts multiple values as input via arrays and forwards them to the server correctly - see this
  • Correct some log messages

Many thanks for this @gab.lau

I’m away for the next 3 weeks, so sadly can’t do any testing yet, but I’ll certainly give it a go when I get back.


New release !! Please send feedback!!

0.9.0 | 2019-03-19


  • Node - Image Gallery - Implemented “url” and “urls” property [NOTE: url and urls property are supported only in beta app]
  • Node - Set Property - Implemented “url” and “urls” property [NOTE: url and urls property are supported only in beta app]


  • Node - Configuration - Using tabs for better UI
  • All nodes - Increased the limit of the pins to 255 and better validation checks
  • Improved heartbeat , send PING command only if necessary.
  • Control and blocking of sending too long messages (BLYNK_PROTOCOL_MAX_LENGTH)
  • Compatibility with Blynk C++ Library 0.6.1
  • LOGIN command changed to int 29 (old int 2)
  • Remove unused command and code clean


  • Fix TypeError on node-red restart
  • Crash on websocket “timeout” error

New release !!

0.9.1 - 2019-04-17


  • No automatic reconnect on connection lost
1 Like

And another new release…

[0.9.2 | 2019-05-08]


  • Updated images in readme


  • Missing release link in the changelog
  • Saving the Vpin setting for the first time does not work - See [Issue #12]

Thanks @gab.lau



This was happening to me, I thought it was just me clicking the wrong button.
Many thanks @gab.lau for the invaluable nodes :wink:

First release

1.0.0 - 2019-07-27


  • Utf-8 support in blynk message

  • ESLint to increase code quality and discover problems

  • Adopted the Airbnb javascript code style


  • Refactoring and adjusted all the source code to the new standard

  • Various code improvements


  • Regexp validation for auth token - See Issue #13

Hi, I was testing to set property of button widget but it is not working. Not a single property is changing.

Even i change the input to true and false but not working

If a inject it directly it is working

but i want one button that can change the another button property

@Pranav, I’ve responded to your other thread about this issue, here:


A new release is available:

[1.0.3 | 2020-04-10]

Repository: gablau/node-red-contrib-blynk-ws · Tag: 1.0.3 · Commit: e1d9b6d · Released by: gablau


  • Updated dependencies for security reasons

Thanks @gab.lau



I’m having the same problem as ingoingo, above. I posted about it here:

Is there a simple tutorial how to use it? I have no idea how to start, even I am not new in HA or Blynk (but I haven’t done anything new in the last period with blynk since all my new projects are on HA).

I have ESP8266 HVAC control (well not the last version) and I would like to see desired and actual temperature, change the desired temperature and turn the heater on and off in HomeAssistant via NodeRed. Can anyone help me how?

Not really a tutorial, but this might get you started…

I’ve recently installed HA on my Pi, but haven’t really tried to do anything with it yet.


New Hot Fix Release!!!

1.0.5 | 2021-03-17


  • Interim fix for server certificate expiration. You can continue to use the wss connection even if the certificate has expired. See this forum post
1 Like

How monitoring physical pins write events? For example d1 or d2?

@NvAriec I’d suggest creating a new " need help with my project topic " and provide as much details as possible.

But it question about node-red node “Write event” and “Read event”. In this node i can’t choose this pins. But can see this actions.

@NvAriec start a new topic and explain your issue in detail, with screenshots and any other relevant information, and we’ll help you to resolve the problem.
