I want to use the YF-S201 (Hall efect http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/yf-s201-water-flow-meter ) sensor, but it’s necessary to function to calibrate.
I can insert a code in the sketch and to use the Blynk?
Thank you
I want to use the YF-S201 (Hall efect http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/yf-s201-water-flow-meter ) sensor, but it’s necessary to function to calibrate.
I can insert a code in the sketch and to use the Blynk?
Thank you
Yes I use this sensor in my Garden Watering system.
Check out my project here: Release Minor fixes and remove SimpleTimer · jaminNZx/Garduino-ESP-Blynk · GitHub
The code you need is here: https://github.com/jaminNZx/Garduino-ESP-Blynk/blob/v0.1.5/functions.h#L48
void setup(){
// ... insert in to setup
pulseCount = 0;
flowRate = 0.0;
flowMilliLitres = 0;
totalMilliLitres = 0;
attachInterrupt(FLOW_SENSOR, pulseCounter, FALLING);
// start the timer
timer.setInterval(1000, flowSensor);
// ...
Flow Sensor
pulseCounter() -
- attached to an interrupt counting the pulses from the sensor then used to calculate the rate
void pulseCounter() {
flowSensor() -
- uses interrupt on the sensor pin
- calculates the flowRate in mL/s then converts to L/s
- update Blynk virtual pins with the data
- calculate and compile the water cost based on the price set in settings and usage
- calculate and compile the monthly water cost and usage
void flowSensor() {
flowRate = pulseCount / FLOW_CALIBRATION;
pulseCount = 0;
attachInterrupt(FLOW_SENSOR, pulseCounter, FALLING);
//calc totals
flowMilliLitres = (flowRate / 60) * 1000;
totalMilliLitres += flowMilliLitres;
totalMilliLitres_month += flowMilliLitres;
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_WATER_TOTAL, (float)totalMilliLitres / 1000);
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_WATER_FLOW, String((float)flowMilliLitres, 0));
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_WATER_TOTAL_MONTH, (float)totalMilliLitres_month / 1000);
waterCost = waterCost + ( ( ( (float)flowMilliLitres / 1000 ) * WATER_PRICE ) / 100);
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_WATER_COST, String(waterCost, 6));
waterCost_month = waterCost_month + ( ( ( (float)flowMilliLitres / 1000 ) * WATER_PRICE ) / 100);
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_WATER_COST_MONTH, String(waterCost_month, 6));
Yes Blynk can do almost anything. I have the same meter and it’s fine with Blynk. Use it without Blynk first, learn to Blynk and then incorporate the sensor into your Blynk project.
Thank you very much! I gonne read your topic later.
Can I connect bluetooth HM-10 to iOS? I tried this connection before and failed.
Yes, it should work
I think Blynk App doesn’t work with iPhone bluetooth 4.0 (MH-10). With LightBlue App, iPhone connected successfully.
I tryed to connect with Motorola Moto G2 and dind’t work too, but with LightBlue App, Motorola Moto G2 also worked.
I have tried to format my notebook and it didn’t solve my problem anyway.
Thank you
I have just successfully tested BLE connection using Arduino Uno and HM-10 module with latest iOS Blynk app.
Please check your setup. Refer to this post: A classic one : Arduino + Iphone + nrf8001 - #24 by Eugene