The old version of Blynk will be retired at some point, you should start planning your migration to the new version

Every parent loves their baby :slight_smile:


And good on you for that commitment, honestly :smiley:

Just don’t forget all the assistance you had from years of user contributions, ideas, beta testing and so on. That true awareness is what really seems to be missing in this transition. Many of those prior users have attachments to what they were involved with, and when they are essentially discarded as “users who should be happy to get what they get” (my own paraphrasing) then of course there will be “feedback” :wink:



Just a small meme :joy::joy:



Jokes apart…

From many years we were all “Regulars” valuable forum members, kept the form together in one piece n organised !! And we have been awarded with a new badge “HATERS” Hurraayyy !!! Thank you @Pavel


Just because there will be release of new cars, bikes, phone, laptops evey year…. We cant go on updating on them loosing the money on just a small little feature every year.

Just imagine our cars stopping in the middle of the road just because we did not buy their brand new model !!

Now -
Would you tell the same phrase
Long live the king !?

Hopefully not !!
Old is Gold Boss !!
Don’t loose gold in search of diamond !!
To keep the diamond in place Gold is the most important aspect.

Hope you got my point.

Has anyone seen the number or widgets we get in the free version ??? Too many… trying to figure out how to use them all ! :man_facepalming:t2:


I agree with you but new blynk is 100 times more powerful than the old one.:scream::scream:

But the new blynk lost RTC, bridge, local server, dark theme , etc…
Where is the power of new blynk?
Dashboard? I don’t think so, compared to other free dashboards like Openhab , domoticz , jeedom and so on.
I’m very disappointed :slightly_frowning_face:

My new blynk dashboard :joy:

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You are not the only one disappointed with the new Blynk, till now I didn’t see any post from any blynker happy with the Blynk 2.

It is not a question of free or Pro doesn’t matter but at least we need to have what we have until now and what we have used to get from Blynk.

The developers starts from scratch instead of starting from the last working version.

Not only the dark theme, RTC, Bridge, local server but the most important one in the direct control on the hardware by writing or reading a digital/analog pin directly from the app without doing any patch on the code…

Why all of this miss?

A small promise from the developers here on what is going on, how it will be after 25th June would help us to understand what is happening and what we will have in the future King Version :slight_smile:



I like the oldest version, it is easier to understand and manage. The new version maybe is usefuel for experts (i like the graphics and visual) users but it looks a little complicate… I love your apps but maybe needs a turn of the screw…my experience is based in the industry and dedicated devices …that we used often…I am engineer designer for a telco company…for me it´s better to keep simple…Finally, It’s (guess) better to win common users than experts.
Best Regards


@PeteKnight hi, wondering did you ever find out if node red counts as one device?

Still not dipped my toe into Blynk 2.0 :yawning_face:

It looks like you could use one NR connection as a single device, but as the websockets connection isn’t working yet it’s difficult to say.
The problem is that the free plan only gives you a handful of widgets, so the plus plan is probably needed anyway, and that gives you 10 devices anyway.



Will have to see, I’m sure NR issues will get resolved.

Mentally I haven’t been able to bring myself to try out v2.0 yet, maybe I can’t accept all my work on 1.0 is down the drain.

I guess I should start reading at Introduction - Blynk Documentation .

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good reading :joy:


Please NO SPOILERS!! I want to enjoy it to the end :joy: :joy:


The butler did it… but for :moneybag: not :heart:


I’m just Mr. Nobody small-potatoes user sitting on the edge of the black hole event horizon known as the upcoming “Migration to 2.0”. I can’t believe all the whiners complaining about the Energy Credits they already purchased that they can’t upgrade, when they were never licensing the product for commercial usage as they should have been doing all along. Blynk deserves every right to monetize their product in the commercial marketplace and make a decent return on their incredible personal time and financial investment in it. I’ve received a lot of FREE valuable advice and direction from people more senior than me in knowledge and understanding; these are the people who really deserve to be compensated somehow.
Just my two cents worth …


Hello… in my project i use eventor… Could you please tell me if in the new app is going to have something such an eventor? Finally, i would like to know how long will be available the old app yet?

Thanks you, Apostolis

Is there any idea in the near future to add new widgets to the free plan other than

Basic Widgets include:

  • Button
  • Slider: horizontal
  • ZeRGBa
  • Joystick
  • Simple Value Display
  • LED
  • Simple Gauge
  • LCD
  • Super Chart - Single Datastream
  • Terminal
  • Music Player Controls
  • Tabs (2 tabs max)

For 5$ Per device it does not make much justice in my books. Its too minimum widgets to make something useful of it.


Maybe we could get widgets for $4.99 each :rofl:

1 Like

Hello. Sure, now you can use automation instead - Automations - Blynk Documentation

I agree…

Hi Blynk_Coeur
are you have BlynkTimer problem?
i try to send my data from esp32 continously, but have problem with " BlynkTimer timer; "