New Blynk Library v0.5.2 is Released

In this release

  • General improvements
    • TinyGSM updated to 0.3.2
    • Switched port to 80 for Particle platform
    • Updated port in all examples
  • Bugfixes:
    • Fix linux: 100% CPU load, not working

PlatformIO, Particle, ARM mbed and OpenWRT packages have been updated accordingly.

JavaScript and Python libraries were updated to use port 80.

Full list of supported hardware is available here

Grab the update here:
:star2: BTW, if you like Blynk, don’t forget to give us a github star! :star2:


Hello dear @vshymanskyy , did you change the directory infrastructure of the library?. In this version 0.5.2, i can only find “main” blynk library and missing the other libraries like BlynkESP8266_Lib or Time and without the tools directory…
Is this ok? Shall we need to manually remove BlynkESP8266_Lib ot what?
Thanks and Best Regards,
Mike Kranidis

No sorry it looks like the zip didn’t get updated. I’ll fix it soon. Thanks for pointing this out

UPD: Fixed. Thanks @mikekgr

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Any chance the continuous disconnection loop in the JS library will be addressed?
I also sent a PR to the github repo and there is also a second PR there waiting :wink:

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I’ll take a look, thanks!

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Since taking 0.5.2 I find the direct access pins on the Arduino go high on reboot

Great !!

7 posts were split to a new topic: With 0.5.2 my Blynk is not connecting anymore… using Mega with Ethernet

Does this fix the maxed out CPU load on 1 core of the Raspberry Pi when running Blynk Python library?
I’ve done “pip install blynk-library-python” which I think it should update to the latest but I’m still getting the overloaded CPU core. Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for taking the time to develop this library.

@malvar I ran into some issues where I managed to install multiple versions of the Blynk Python library… search for and make sure you have removed all references of the libraries before reinstalling.

I deleted everything and reinstalled but still same issue.
What did work though was inserting this line “time.sleep(0.01)”
in “sleep_from_until” in Blynk python library and now my CPU load is less than 2% for the Blynk client.:smiley: