International Sub-Topics

Hi dear Blynkers,

New Year, new good stuff.

We are getting a lot of requests from international community of makers and engineers to translate Blynk to different languages. English of course is widely used, but not everyone knows it. The first thing we decided to help with is a peer to peer communication on this forum.

We are inviting members of this forum to help those, who don’t speak English. We would need moderators, who are familiar with Blynk Platform and freely speak English + another language.

For now, the sections we will add are:

  • UA - Ukrainian - Blynk team will be covering this one
  • RU - Russian - Blynk team will be covering this one
  • VN - Vietnamese @noi - this guy was making Blynk popular in Vietnam and will help here.
  • SP - Spanish. We need a Spanish speaking Blynker
  • CN - Chinese

If you are willing to participate - let us know by posting here or DM me.

Thanks! :pray:


:sweden: Me and @Fettkeewl can help with translation into Swedish. :sweden:


Great! Will create a category for you and invite as moderators

Dear Sirs,
I have rather limited “free” time this period but I am very willingful to offer my help in the Greek language, because I like Blynk way too much!!!

If you need this help, then please tell me what I have to do?

Thanks and Best Regards,
Mike Kranidis

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@Dmitriy / @Pavel I’d be happy to try out moderating s Dutch subforum. I’m not sure how much need there is for that though :slight_smile:

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i can help with hungarian and romanian language topics on the forum - in the measure as my free time allows.

i know that very few people use those languages, but this is what i’ve got! :slight_smile:

also, if you plan to translate the app to those languages, i can help with that too (maybe not for free, it depends of the complexity of the job).

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Translating is not very complex. I was done in about an hour with a translation to Dutch :slight_smile:

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i say it depends. if you have to translate the widget docs too, that is a different story…

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Yeah, this was just core functions. Making a good help function is definitely different :smiley:

I would be glad to help if you find Balkan Slav group of languages interesting. Beside English, I speak Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian as native, I’m fluent speaker of Macedonian, and I can communicate in Slovenian and Bulgarian as well.

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I can help with French and Chinese!

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Maaannn… I struggle with my native Canaderpien (a Northern Rednek dialect of English :stuck_out_tongue: )… I think I need to quit and let you all take over :wink:


Wow guys,

The response is tremendous. You are so awesome!

Ok. Let’s start with the basics.

1st we need to translate the intro lines and it will be indexed by google in different languages. After that the new topics may appear in search results and users may come (hopefully)

Here is what’s needed at this point:

EN (use abbreviation)

Category Subtitle:
Questions, help with your Blynk projects, ideas and solutions built with Blynk. Reading any sensor, controlling any hardware.

Topic template:
Before creating new topic

  1. Search forum for similar topics
  2. Check and ( we will add links to localized docs later)
  3. Add details :
    • Hardware model + communication type. For example: Arduino UNO with Ethernet Shield
    • Smartphone OS (iOS or Android) + version
    • Blynk server or local server
    • Blynk Library version
    • Add your sketch code. :point_up:Code should be formatted as shown below.

void loop()

Simply paste your code between ```
If you don’t format your code, your topic can be deleted by moderators.

Please reply in this topic and I will create language categories one by one and will add the info above.

Thank you guys!

Can’t ask for more, but just in case someone wants to participate, you can translate the documentation and create a pull request. Bit by bit it will be translated.

It’s placed on our github

The best way to structure it would be by adding a folder and copying all the .md files there. For example:


just bear in mind that there are some mistakes in English version too :see_no_evil:

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Category Subtitle:
Pitanja, Vaši Blynk projekti - pomoć, Ideje i rešenja na Blynk platformi. Očitavanje bilo kog senzora, kontrola bilo kog hardvera.

Topic template:
Prije nego što započnete novu temu:

  1. Potražite slične teme po nazivu ili opisu problema uz pomoć Pretrage
  2. Provjerite zvaničnu dokumentaciju na i
  3. Priložite neophodne detalje:
    • Tip hardvera i komunikacioni protokol koji koristite. Na primjer: Arduino UNO sa Ethernet Shield-om
    • Smartphone operativni sistem (iOS ili Android) i verzija koju upotrebljavate
    • Da li koristite Blynk cloud server ili lokalni server
    • Verzija Blynk biblioteke koju upotrebljavate
    • Priložite vaš skeč. Kod treba biti formatiran na sledeći način:
void loop()

Formatiranje se vrši dodatkom ``` na početku i na kraju koda.
Ukoliko kod nije propisno formatiran, moderator može ukloniti vašu temu sa foruma.


Category Subtitle:
Прашања, Помош со Ваши Blynk проекти, идеи и решенија на платформата Blynk. Читање било кој сензор, контролирање на било кој хардвер.

Topic template:
Пред да започнете нова тема:

  1. Побарајте слични теми по име или опис на проблемот користејќи Барај
  2. Проверете ја официјалната документација на и
  3. Прикачете ги потребните податоци:
    • Видот на хардверскиот и комуникацискиот протокол што го користите. На пример: Arduino UNO со Ethernet Shield
    • Оперативен систем за паметни телефони (iOS или Android) и верзијата што ја користите
    • Дали користите Blynk cloud сервер или локален сервер
    • Библиотечната верзија на Blynk што ја користите
    • Прикачете ја вашата скица. Кодот треба да се форматира на следниов начин:
void loop()

Форматирањето се врши со додавање на ``` на почетокот и на крајот од кодот.
Доколку кодот не е правилно форматиран, модератор може да ја отстрани вашата тема од форумот.


Category Subtitle:
Питања, Помоћ у вези ваших Blynk пројеката, Идеје и решења на Blynk платформи. Очитавање било ког сензора, контрола било ког хардвера.

Topic template:
Пре него што започнете нову тему:

  1. Потражите сличне теме по називу или опису проблема уз помоћ Претраге
  2. Проверите званичну документацију на адреси и
  3. Приложите неопходне детаље:
    • Тип хардвера и комуникациони протокол који користите. На пример: Arduino UNO са Ethernet Shield-oм
    • Оперативни систем вашег телефона (iOS ili Android) и верзија коју употребљавате
    • Да ли користите Blynk cloud сервер или локални сервер
    • Верзија Blynk библиотеке коју употребљавате
    • Приложите ваш скеч. Код треба да буде форматиран на следећи начин:
void loop()

Форматирање се врши додавањем ``` на почетку и на крају кода.
Уколико код није прописно форматиран, модератор може уклонити вашу тему са форума.

You can check our map to estimate amount of Blynk Community users in your region:


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Category subtitle
Vprašanja, Vaši projekti Blynk - pomoč, Ideje in rešitve na platformi Blynk. Branje katerega koli senzorja, nadzor katerega koli hardvera.

Topic template:
Pred ustvarjanjem nove teme:

  1. Poiščite podobne teme po imenu ali opisu težave z Iskanjem
  2. Preverite uradno dokumentacijo na in
  3. Zagotovite potrebne podatke:
    • model hardvera in vrsta komunikacije. Na primer: Arduino UNO z Ethernet Shield-om
    • OS pametnega telefona (iOS ali Android) + različica
    • Blynk strežnik ali lokalni strežnik
    • različica Blynk knjižnice
    • Dodajte svojo skicno kodo. Koda mora biti formatirana, kot je prikazano spodaj.
void loop()

Preprosto prilepite kodo med ```.
Če ne formatirate svoje kode, moderator lahko izbriše vašo temo.