In case you see SMTHNG strange in Blynk

As many things in the world, Blynk is not ideal. Yet.

So if you find bugs or any other strange behavior, please report them here.
Developing software is a dynamic environment and we constantly improve what we do.
Please don’t be upset with it. Just report it and will be fixed, we promise.

If you have some issues when using Blynk:

  • Create a topic and put it into the corresponding category.
  • Report OS you are using and device
  • Mark the hardware you are using (e.g. Arduino UNO)
  • Mark the connection type (e.g Ethernet Shield, USB)
  • Explain the sequence of actions which has lead to crash or anything strange
  • Try to reproduce the issue at least twice
  • Adding a screenshot or video is always very helpful
  • Add your code (follow the rules below)

Code should be ALWAYS formatted.
Wrap the code by pressing this magic button (Backtick`) 3 times (before the code and after it):**


 ``` <--- insert this 
 Paste your code here
 ``` <--- insert this 

This makes your code beautiful with highlighted syntax, like this:

//comment goes here 
void helloWorld() { 
   String message =  "hello" + "world"; 

You can also select the code and press </> button in the top menu:

Follow these simple instructions, otherwise, your post will be sitting there all alone :cry:


ANDROID 5.1.1 (Nexus 7" Tablet)
Blynk with CC3300 wireless shield + Arduino Mega

Issue :
Using the Blynk app I noticed as I was adding widgets the VALUE fields seemed to be restrictive and inconsistent.

Adding a large slider widget I notices that the VALUE field is limiting my entry to only 5 characters.
Then I checked my VALUE DISPLAY widget and it limiting my VALUE field entry to only 9 characters. Then I checked my BUTTON SETTING widget and it is limiting my VALUE field to only 10 characters.

Clearly something appears to be wrong as the VALUE field appears (and should be) to be designed to hold 40 characters or more.

love blynk just found it yesterday .

I have down loaded latest versrion of blynk on play store widgits like graph , and other widgits not available in app.

do you have to unlock these some how.

I used the blynk app on an oneplus one phone using android lollipop and I have encountered a problem. I cannot delete widgets in the creation screen. They can be placed but not deleted. Once the confirmation comes to delete the widget I press “delete” but the widget does not go away.

Samsung galaxy note 4 Androi 5.0.1
I have followed this page :

and every example that it is there makes my Arduino uno with ethernet shield on it to go offline but when I use the regular blynk sketch to light up LEDs works great ,this happens only when I try to use widgets on the app.

The only sketch running good is the one with the virtual blinking and fading LED, besides the regular blynk sketch.

This document is a work in progress. I would not recommend using it yet

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ALWAYS wrap your code by pressing this magic button (Backtick`) 3 times (before the code and after it):

This makes your code beautiful with highlighted syntax, like this:

//comment goes here
void helloWorld() {
   String message =  "hello" + "world";

You can also select the code and press </> button in the top menu:

Reminder, how to post your sketch to the site.

3 backticks on a line before your code
Code to start on a new line after the first 3 backticks
3 backticks on a new line after the end of your code

Hello all, Thanks for this excellent app.
Turning ON arduino mega after some minutes off, when I press play on Blynk app my digital output configured to relay module goes High actuating relay.
I am using Arduino_Ethernet sketch from Blynk library
Is it possible to fix it??

Arduino: Mega 2560
Ethernet shield
Blynk library: Arduino_Ethernet
Phone: Xperia Z3 compact

Thanks in advance,


i already “found something strange”. tried to respect all the posting rules you mention here…
can you please help? really no one wants to use blynk with bluetooth, just me?

thank you!