Hardware supported by Blynk

Sorry, could have been much clearer… Another try :slight_smile:

I have tried several example sketches and the one for the arduinoyun is the only one that works (and probably comes closest due to built-in wifi). When opening the serial monitor after uploading the yun sketch I only see an increasing long line of unreadable characters and the blynk app gives an offline status for my arduino one. Maybe this is due to slight differences in arduino uno with built-in wifi and arduino yun?

@jjscholten unreadable characters is almost always due to incorrect baud settings. You might want to check this.

Have you tried Blynk’s ESP8266_Shield sketch as I guess that is what your hardware is?

Please focus Linkit 7688 Duo. I hope its support Blynk APP soon. Coz’ I like Blynk very much and would like to use with Board Linkit 7688 Duo. Now it’s support only Linkit One. Please

I would like to add my board Danyboard M0 in your database. How do I proceed?
I have already carried out tests of the changing libraries. LINK TEST
Thank you

Considering cellphones (let´s talk about android) are plenty of sensors (GPS, motion, light, proximity, audio…)
Is a good idea to consider an APP allowing android phones to be recognized as hardware providing sensor output information? isnt it?

@pepiux New Android Release 1.16.4

Why If add #include <BlynkSimpleUIPEthernet.h> for ENC28J60 ethernet board I have compile error?

C:\Users\Руководитель\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Blynk\src/BlynkSimpleUIPEthernet.h: At global scope:

C:\Users\Руководитель\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Blynk\src/BlynkSimpleUIPEthernet.h:22:8: error: ‘EthernetClient’ does not name a type
static EthernetClient _blynkEthernetClient;

Did you follow sketch comments?

And also the news puck.js http://www.puck-js.com/ (another JS based microcontroller with a lot of nifty hardware already on board) would be awesome!

We already support most of the needed technologies, like Espruino - so should start with puck-js in no-time - but i need some hardware samples.

Maybe the producer could be interested in giving you some samples? He just launched the puck.js via kickstarter.
Here is all the documentation: https://www.puck-js.com/go it includes also hardware informations.

Please Port blynk to PSOC4 BLE.

@MACSBOOST, We can provide PSOC4 BLE integration on commercial basis.
If you’re interested - please send private message to me.

silly question: is rasberry pi zero W
supported on Blynk
aiming to control a few motors and leds via app

Yes you can use RPi Zero and Zero W for sure (al least with virtual pins). As well as any Linux/Windows/OSX machine.

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great! thank you

I know I am piling on here but I’m wondering if anybody has ideas on how to use blynk with the adafruit nrf52. This is DIFFERENT than the bluefruit BLE because all the processing is going on the Nordic chip itself. Also, it is nRF 52832. Many libraries were rewritten for this. It is the same in that it has UART comm capability which looks to the client to be very similar. Any thoughts?

Edit to add link to product info

nRF52832. Arduino, Sparkfun, Adafruit, and RedBearLab have boards out using this SOC.

It is already supported

Great! Which board do I select in the app?

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