Edgent examples for esp32 + Sim800

Hey there, I’ve been a long-time lurker and reader on the Blynk forums, and now I’m posting here as I could not find any relevant information regarding said title

I’m looking to use an esp32 and sim800l to make a remote device to gather sensor data and such…

the Blynk Edgent examples are very useful for situations where wifi is abundant but in my case, it’s not possible. Even on the Blynk website, it says Edgent supports GSM and wifi, however, I could not find any examples for the same.

I hope someone here could point me in the right direction as my main interest is in enabling OTAs over GSM using a sim800l
Cheers, Snek

I’d suggest using a non-Edgent sketch then adding-in Blynk.Air functionality to that sketch, like this…

You might also find this discussion interesting (written before the above post was made)…


Hey Pete,
I’ve been using the minimal OTA code for a bit now and it works flawlessly

However when sim800 and tinygsm are thrown into the mix it goes haywire and I have no idea where to begin for the same

From what i could gather it seems that <HTTPClient.h> which seems to be what blynk.air utilizes to make said OTAs work
as for the 2nd post which you’ve linked, I have read through all of it and came to the conclusion that for now, I’d have to provide a custom HTTP server to host the OTAs.

I thought I’d ask here if there was a way to do it via Blynk, as it would make it a lot more convenient to manage my devices over the same platform rather than have to juggle a few dashboards for the same
