Difference between MQQT and Blynk

I am a newbie in this forum and would like to find out what the difference is between MQQT and Blynk.

Thanking you in advance.

I assume you mean MQTT?

They are totally different things, but can be used together with some intermediate software.

MQTT is a messaging service which allows easy communication between devices. This might mean a device sending temperature readings to the MQTT broker to be picked-up by another device (maybe attached to a relay to turn a heater on and off).

Blynk’s main feature is the fully customisable app, which can be used to control devices directly, or (as I choose to do) as a front-end to an MQTT based system. To make that work effectively, I use Node-Red as a sort of ‘middleware’ system.


Thanks a lot Pete. (Yes I meant MQTT instead of MQQT)