I’m creating a project based on blynk and ifttt for triggering devices . In ifttt im using google assistant in (if) and webhooks in (then).google assistant works fine and it doesnt triggers webhooks and shows error ETIMEDOUT .
this happens while using local server
and the same works fine while using blynk cloud server
it sounds to me like it’s a port problem in your local network, i had a similar issue whereby my NAS was using the same port as the Applet uses. My problem was solved by using a different port number for my NAS and by adding :8080 in the applet URL. and port forwarding 8080 to the local server address,
Depending on what your application is doing, here is a simple url to turn a button ON.
try using this url in the applet webhook*****your token*****/update/V1?value=1
and the other fields as per photo
Sure, the following thread is very similar to your problem. You should learn a lot from it. It states 18 minutes to read it but I would take a few hours to read it properly. Pay attention to the references about IPTABLES as it’s an area where lots of users simply ignore the references in Blynk’s local server docs.
In my opinion local servers are used far too often by networking novices and Blynk’s cloud servers should be server of choice.
Yes. You need to be conversant with port forwarding on your router to be able to do this. You will need to forward port 80 on your router to port 80 on your local IP on which the local server is running. Trust your laptop will be at home when you travel else this set up is just for testing, is it not.