Hi, having followed several methods posted, i cannot seem to get it working.
Hardware side and blynk project working fine on it’s own, trying to include IFTTT in the equation but without success.
If it still doesn’t work you haven’t forwarded enough ports. Read server set up again and come back to us if you don’t see the references to the additional ports.
As I said in the earlier post, read the docs. It’s in the server docs. Let us know when you have found it and how you missed it so others don’t have the same problem.
i think the short answer is because everything i needed was already working, i’m only finding this out because i am now trying IFTTT, and as a consequence we are finding out as we’re going what is missing.
Haaaaa, @Costas i’m a 50 year old retired Aerospace guy, i’m not a young coder. it’s called the IOT’s. I’m learning as i go along, i rely upon people like you to assist. Maybe my old brain can’t absorb information as quick as yours.
i thank you for your assistance, it is appreciated.