but i cant able to purchase
i shows some error
but i cant able to purchase
i shows some error
Hi, do you still need help or are you sorted? I had a similar problem which is sorted now.
This user spent about 5 weeks as an active member of the forum, and its almost 2 years since he last logged-in.
Thanks Pete, maybe I should have checked that before I commented…
It’s always good to share information about a potential solution to an issue raised in a topic, as other people may search and find that helpful. In this case, the OP may not respond but please go ahead and share your knowledge anyway.
Ok, so as Pete suggested I will share my personal experience with local server and IFTTT.
By no means am I a pro at Blynk, but I have managed to overcome some issues I’ve been experiencing personally.
Initially I kept on getting and error ETIMEDOUT when setting up IFTTT - webhooks - google assistant and Amazon Alexa. This is specifically for my local Blynk server. When copying and pasting the web request URL into my browser I get the result I intended to get. But when doing it through google assistant or Alexa it fails. I had it as follows:*************************************5S/update/D16?value=1
I guess that due to the fact that the address is a local network address it cannot be resolved, therefore the request cannot reach my local server. To overcome this I created a ddns address that points to my router. The router forwards this to the local ip address of my local Blynk server through the DMZ setup on my router. I changed the ip address in the original webhooks URL to the ddns address that I created (t*********p.ddns.net)
I used Method: Get
Content Type: application/json
Also, don’t go and edit an old webhooks applet, instead create a new webhooks applet. I found that editing one of my previous applets with the new info did not work. This might also just be by chance and your experience may be completely different.
I hope it all makes sense and that hopefully someone might get some answers from my post.
Ps. I used noip.me to create my ddns address
Hello @Peter-Ian_Nienaber I had tried this, following the way u mentioned but I was unable to access with google assistant. I had set up DDNS using noip.net and also I had my DMZ setup. It was shown something like applet skipped. unable to make a web request: ERROR: ETIMEDOUT. I had attached the relevant screenshots below. please help me suggesting to me what actually went wrong with me?
I’d say that the first step in the process is to check if the URL text from your IFTTT recipe works when pasted into a browser address bar. You’ll see more feedback that way, which will help you diagnose any issues.
You could also use your Public (WAN) IP address instead of your No-IP address for testing.
My guess is that there is an issue with the port forwarding settings on your router, but doing these tests will help you pinpoint the issue and rule-out things like an incorrect auth code.
If using the local (LAN) IP address of your Blynk server from a device within your network works correctly when testing the URL in a browser then it is almost certainly a port forwarding problem.
Hi Maanasa
I agree with what Pete says. Paste the recipe in your browser and see if that works. Let me know if that works and we can take it from there.
It was not working on the browser with DDNS. But it was working fine when it was replaced with IP address.
Is that your public (WAN) address or the internal (LAN) address of your Blynk server?
LAN address
Did you point dmz in your router to your blynk server local ip address?
And what happened when you used your WAN address?
I replaced the LAN address that I used previously with WAN address. Am I doing the right thing? I am using a TP-Link router. Could you please assist me in doing with WAN address
I’m trying to get you to eliminate a number of variables, hence m,y debugging steps in post #29.
When you are using the No-IP address the data packet route is:
API Call —> No-IP Service —> WAN IP Address —> Router —> Blynk server IP Address
Cutting-out the Ni-IP service looks like this:
API Call —> WAN IP Address —> Router —> Blynk server IP Address
Cutting-out the router (or at least the port-forwarding process) looks like this:
API Call —> Blynk server IP Address
If you go to https://www.whatismyip.com/ it will show you your WAN (Public) IP address, which you use in test #2 above.
If test #1 fails, but test#2 works then the issue is with your No-IP service and the way it’s being updated
if tests #1 and #2 fail but test #3 works then the problem is with your router’s port-forwarding settings.
The router needs to know that data packets coming-in on port 80 or 8080 need to be directed to your Blynk server’s IP address, otherwise your Blynk server will never see the inbound API call.
I am working on a Home automation project. I want to access appliances(Lights and fans) both with remote control and also google assistant. To achieve this, I am using Blynk, IFTTT, and Nodemcu1.0 (along with relays). I made my Blynk local server running on windows10. I want to make use of my server’s address(the system on which I am currently running my server. IP address of my system) to make commands to IFTTT(to make google assistant work) instead of using the Blynk cloud server address. I tested the same with the Blynk app (for remote control of appliances). It works fine when it was provided with the IP address of my system(LAN address) but doesn’t work for the WAN address. It was made to run the Blynk server instead of using the Blynk cloud server address. Could you please assist me! Any help in completing my project will be much appreciated.
Your port forwarding settings on your router are incorrect. Only you can change these so that both the app and services such as IFTTT work correctly.
Searchy the forum for the many topics that cover this subject, but look at the most recent first, as the ports that need to be forwarded changes a couple of years ago.