Blynk Library for Arduino v0.4.2 is released

In this release

  • Improved SIM900 compatibility
  • Improved SIM800/SIM900 examples
  • Improved BLE examples: fixed need to remove SPI.h in some cases
  • Added direct links to libraries in Library Manager
  • Updated TinyGSM library to v0.1.4
  • Travis CI updated

Grab the latest version here:
And don’t forget to give us a star on github :star2:

     ___  __          __
    / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
   / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
  /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
         /___/    v0.4.2

Please post here your feedback about this release. Thank you!

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Just installed it, working as advertise, I do not see any problem. Thank you Blynk Team for keeping Blynk updated. I love Blynk!

Hello, just wondering my devices that were programed before the update no longer are connecting. Is that because of the update or something else?

It depends on what was programmed there :slight_smile:.

I just want to report that after reuploading the working sketch to arduino with 0.4.2 library, debug serial reported invalid auth token and I weren’t able to get it connected. The solution was pretty simple, I’ve just rebooted server and it is working well again. Hope this helps someone, who’s also experiencing this issue and struggling with solution.