Blynk 1.0 (legacy) retirement timeline announced!

today I received this notification: This app will work until Dec 31, 2022 !
Does this mean that the local version will also disappear?


The Legacy apps have already been removed from the App/Play stores, and the previous versions of the app prevented new account creation on either cloud or local servers.

The local server code is no longer being updated or supported, so eventually you’ll have issues with Java compatibility, security vulnerabilities etc, but it will continue working in the meantime.

Gmail have removed the “allow less secure apps” option for personal accounts, so sending emails from local server won’t work any more either, although there are potential workarounds to that.


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Hello. I didn’t get it wrong did I? you are only shutting down the servers of the old version. Can I continue to use my local server if I install the software as APK?

Sure you can.

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What about our prior investments? I have bought energy more time, because I thought it will be good for me for many years but uintil now I haven’t used all of them at the same time.


You can have your own blynk server for free
But new blynk is really the best solution anyway.

That’s why you’re being offered a discount on your first year’s subscription to Blynk IoT.


Thanks for your answer! I haven’t seen if there is discont. It is my fault!


sure. But new Blynk has ignored the times when the internet is unavailable.

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I just wanna say that, Blynk 2.0 is expensive for user from asia.
Hopefully Blynk can lower prices or at least lower prices for developing or low-income countries, that will make Blynk 2.0 easier to popularize the same way Blynk legacy did.

Than you for the Blynk legacy platform. Great platform. There wasn’t anything quite like it when I started developing with IoT.

Like many others, I am disappointed in the relatively short notice for shutdown, the invalidating of purchased energy and the need to re-code my devices. Unfortunately this change has prompted me to re-evaluate my architecture.

Rather than continue the journey with Blink 2, I have decided to use MQTT & FCM for messaging and develop mobile apps using AI2 / Kodular / Thunkable. Not as nice as Blynk, but a viable alternative that will not force me to re-code when the next version of Blynk is released. Working prototype was an evening’s work including some learning of the AI2 based tools.

Thanks again for Blynk legacy and all the best with the Blynk 2 platform.

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Personally, I use MQTT and Node-Red, with Blynk as my my mobile (and now desktop) front-end.

As I previously used this architecture under Legacy, no re-coding was required, just a few minor changes to my Node-Red setup and re-creating (and tidying-up) my mobile app dashboard in Blynk IoT.

I personally think that MQTT is the best thing since sliced bread, and should be the basis for any serious home automation system.


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That is the route I went with. Kodular and firebase as server

The end of Blynk Legacy is very sad. If everything worked in the new one, it would be understandable. The option to have multiple devices in one template still doesn’t work :frowning: It’s a huge disappointment!

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Where can I find the discount code for my Blynk 2 subscription? I see the offer expires on the 31 August


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Hi. Please send me discount code. I dont send You pm

I’ve changed your account privileges so you can now send PMs.


When will you be adding a table widget to the new Blynk?

The main reason I am unable to migrate to the new Blynk is due to lack of the Table widget.

I have not received any offer.

What is PM?

How can I see it?