Blynk 1.0 (legacy) retirement timeline announced!

Thank you blynk team we enjoyed this great job. But I would like to point out an important thing, which is a one-time purchase for $ 5 when it was canceled. This decision prompted me to create my own platform, and for six months I have been selling more than 500 devices per month without paying any fees and without forcing the customer to pay as well because the monthly payment does not suit all countries Or even companies think that whoever will subscribe to blynk iot is forced to do so. Previously, I subscribed to more than 10 customers on the blynk platform because I was forced, and now when the subscription ends, I will migrate to my own platform and save money, all because of the cancellation of the one-time purchase plan by you. The blynk team

Dziękuję zespołowi BLynk za lata współpracy i możliwości korzystania z doskonałego systemu jakim jest/był BLYNK 1.0. Dziękuję i … żegnam
Nie przejdę na BLYNK 2.0 z kilku powodów

  • Blynk 2.0 to nie ten sam system co 1.0 np. konieczność zarządzania nim z komputera
  • jest za drogi dla celów hobbystycznych
  • przeszedłem fazę uczenia, testowania i wdrażania systemu 1.0 nie chce mi się powtarzać dla wersji 2.0
    i jeszcze kilka wcześniej wymienianych przez innych użytkowników.
    Najważniejszym powodem jest jednak utrata zaufania. Zaufania iż za kilka lat biznesowe plany nie skasują wersji 2.0 a twórcy BLYNK nie zmuszą mnie do przechodzenia na jeszcze lepszszą (i zapewnie droższą) kolejną wersję BLYNK.
    Porównywanie BLYNK do innych programów komercyjnych jest błędem. Blynk powstał na bazie Kickstarter i ze ogromnym (darmowym) wsparciem tysięcy użytkowników. Jeśli zespół BLYNK postanowił zarobić na swoim pomyśle w wersji 2.0 w oparciu o doświadczenia 1.0 - to znakomicie. Ale jeśli przy tej okazji wykopał w kosmos dotychczasowych użytkowników to już mało eleganckie zachowanie. Tak właśnie traci się zaufanie w biznesie.
    Więc jeszcze raz dziękuje zespołowi BLYNK i wszystkim użytkownikom którzy pomagali rozwijać ten znakomity projekt.
    I żegnam

As i liked and just to support Blynk, I had purchased for 28K Energy even i didn’t need that much (still 25K never used in 2 years). Maybe from your perspective, it’s a small amount but contribution is priceless. So i believe, you should at least consider providing additional 3-4 device for free account for the people who paid for energy. And subscribtion model is not suitable for some countries. Because in some places, local curreny lost too much value against US dollars and we don’t know how it will go in the future too. So better to bring one time payment model back. There are several type of IOT products and being sold with one time payment. So you could sell each item used for project with one time (increased) payment which would be profitiy for you and fair for the users.

Blynk did do a promotion like this for early adopters, but you’ve obviously missed that.
They are currently giving a 50% discount on the first year of annual subscription, for legacy users.

One-off payments don’t work for Blynk’s business model or for their investors, which is why they’ve moved to a subscription model.


I’m not following Blynk forum daily. If i was informed by the application (like i learnt Blynk1.0 will be Legacy soon) for sure i would not miss that opportunity. I don’t need to go with subscription as i don’t i have more than 2 device. There should be other choise to compansate purchased energy rather than %50 discount. If Blynk still wants to waste purchased energy then i don’t have anything to say more…

I understand Blynk need for generating monthly income in a steady way. I hate subscriptions but i understand it’s the way things go nowadays.
But i also understand that Blynk 2.0 is oriented for deployment of more commercial style projects in a one template to many devices layout, and this is also a good thing. But it’s a different thing. I would kindly subscribe the original blynk instead of energy at this point.
I’ve been a Blynk user since a long time, i have some energy invested but mainly i would just love to stay put where my stuff is and just monthly pay for it instead of having to move on to the new platform. It’s not just being lazy, but rather a matter of understanding that each platform has a specific style and the original fits my style better than 2.0.
The work is already done, maintaining it should not be that much of a hassle even if you focus on 2.0, and everyone would be happy. Who would like to use each could choose by themselves.

I think a lot of people will just quit blynk

Blynk have tried this and it really doesn’t work for them. Just maintaining the legacy servers costs time and money, for no return. Also, the apps need updating to deal with new mobile OS releases, and this also means adapting to changes in the toolkits that are required to create these apps.

It also takes potential customers away from the new product, where they want to focus their energy and generate their revenue.

That will almost certainly happen, and although it’s probably not what Blynk want to happen, it will save Blynk money by not having to support the legacy servers. There really aren’t many alternatives out these, and I’ve certainly not found anything like Blynk legacy, so people will have to put a lot of time and energy into re-factoring their projects to work with a different product, or simply not bother.
The IoT market is very different now to how it was when Blynk legacy was launched. Companies like Sonoff and Shelly have a wide range of IoT products that can work together and be controlled via apps, and software systems like Tasmota have also changed the way that people can do things with off the shelf hardware.

Blynk still fills a gap in the market though, but it needs to keep developing to stay attractive, hence the total re-write to overcome the limitations imposed by then legacy product architecture.

This obviously does make commercial deployment simpler, but you don’t have to use it that way. I have multiple templates with only one device attached to each one. The real difference is that you can’t (easily) combine data from multiple devices on one dashboard, and that’s an issue for many people.


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I wanted to add one more thing. Blynk pricing is compared to Amazon Prime and Netflix etc. I hope you all know that both have applying regional pricing (seems like prime costs 15 $ in usa and 0.45 $ in my country). Whilst base salary in USA is 14 times more than what we get , how would you expect us to pay same ? I had also recognized that several application on play store had regional pricing. So i hope regional pricing can be considered by Blynk Team. If there will be a fair regional pricing i belive that no one will hesitate for subscription.


Hardly, unfortunately. This question has already been raised.

@PeteKnight Then, can I never use a local server in version 2.0?
or Do you have any other pricing plan for local server or are you planning to have them?

You can’t

Version 2.0 is when you can’t anything :laughing:

I’m using blynk 2.0 since the beginning.
Before, I used blynk legacy with a local server .
I migrated all my projects and it works like a charm

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It was a joke :wink:
And everything works for me.

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You’re asking that as if I’m something to do with Blynk - I’m not.

Blynk made a mistake when they released the Legacy local server in the form that they did - it could be used to run businesses without Blynk’s knowledge or control and was therefore open to abuse.
They do offer a local “on premise” installation of a Blynk IoT server for White Label customers.
I guess that if a local server is ever released for general IoT use then it will be a fairly expensive add-on, and will probably require occasional connection to the internet to validate/renew the licence - but I’m only guessing here.


Advice for Blynk owners: don’t use disappearing push notifications to notify you of important information - it looks very ridiculous… A person clicks on a message to find out the details, and it disappears, and it’s not clear where to look for it.
This is the second time I’ve received a similar notification in Legacy - first about a discount, now about instructions to simplify the transition to Blynk2.0.

I think that’s a limitation of the legacy app I’m afraid.


It is due to the limitation of the the legacy app, that’s not updated any more.
We’ll try to use other channels as well to communicate the important things. Also, we’ll run another push campaign for the discount for those who could have missed it the first time.

You can find the migration guide here. And I can send you the promo code in PM in case you need it.


My message was sent more as general information, feedback.
Personally, I don’t need a guide, I have been working on a project for Blynk 2.0 for a long time.
Thank you.

It’s true, when tries to open app message disappear :slightly_frowning_face: