Audio / MP3 music: ESP8266 + DFRobot DFPlayer Mini + Music Player widget + Wifi (NodeMCU, Wemos D1, ..)

So, you want to add audio or play an MP3 music file in your project with some cheap module? Here’s the plan

Step 1 – Add a buzzer
Been there, done that, but my house is full of irritating sine-sound already. Go to step 2.

Step 2- Use the ISD1820 module
In case you don’t know this cool cheap module: it has a microphone, a speaker and amplifier on a small board. Press the button to record your own audio sample, and play it by pulling a pin HIGH. Easy and good in many cases. But if you need more than one audio sample, play real music, want better audio quality or upload a pure digital MP3-file, go to step 3

Step 3 – DFRobot DFPlayer Mini MP3 SD-card module FN-M16P SKU:DFR0299
It’s amazing, this little cheap module has a microSD-card reader, MP3/WAV decoder and builtin amplifier. You just need to put the MP3’s on a microSD-card and connect the module to a speaker. There are several ways to control it, but the serial interface has the most capabilities and occupies the least pins. But if you want to use the module in combination with Blynk on your ESP8266 (NodeMCU, Wemos D1, …) or ESP32 based board you can read on this forum that it’s hard to do. That seems logical, as the standard library, DFRobotDFPlayerMini, is blocking (uses delays), and Blynk doesn’t like that.
But then I found a new library, DFPlay, which doesn’t have any delay. Unfortunately, it was only running on Particle, but the author was willing to do the necessary changes to run it on the ESP-modules in the Arduino IDE. So here it is, an example using an ESP8266 chip (NodeMCU, …)

Use case 1 (mode PLAY_MODE_TRACK): Use a Button widget (V4) to play a specific audio file. Perfect to let you project play “DingDong” or “TaDa” or something. The on-value is the track number, the off-value should be zero.

Use case 2 (mode PLAY_MODE_ALL): Use the Music Player widget (V5) to control the music player that plays all files in the root directory of the SD-card. It has Back / Next / Play / Stop functionality and shows the current track number.

In both cases you have a volume slider (V6, range 0-30) and a Menu widget for setting the equaliser (V7, values: 1 Normal / 2 Pop / 3 Rock / 4 Jazz / 5 Classic / 6 Bass).

When the volume is above 15 it can crash the module, so start with a low volume.

Have fun!

  This example shows how you can control a DFPlayer MP3 module
  on ESP8266 using Blynk (music player widget) and a Wifi connection

    - ESP8266 based module e.g. NodeMCU
    - DFPlayer Mini MP3 player 

  App project setup:
  - Button widget attached to V4 :Play track button: OFF value=0, ON value=tracknr
  - Music Player widget attached to V5: shows current tracknr
  - Slider widget attached to V6 : Volume slider: range 0-30
  - Menu settings widget attached to V7: Equaliser selector: values
     1 Normal
     2 Pop
     3 Rock
     4 Jazz
     5 Classic
     6 Bass

   Necessary libraries
    - Blynk:
    - DFPlay:


/* Comment this out to disable prints and save space */
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// D5 is RX of ESP8266, connect to TX of DFPlayer
// D6 is TX of ESP8266, connect to RX of DFPlayer module
SoftwareSerial dfPlaySerial(D5, D6);

#include "DFPlay.h"
DFPlay dfPlay;

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "YourAuthToken";

// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "YourNetworkName";
char pass[] = "YourPassword";

#define PLAY_MODE_OFF         0
#define PLAY_MODE_TRACK       1
#define PLAY_MODE_ALL         2
int playmode = PLAY_MODE_OFF;

#define DFPLAY_MEDIA_SD  2

#define VPIN_VOLUME      V6

int currentTrackCount = -1;

  // Synchronize volume & equalizer of DFPlayer with Blynk widgets

  // Update music player widget (play/stop button and label) based on state DFPlayer
  if (currentTrackCount >= 0)
    String trackcountString(currentTrackCount + 1); // Start with 1 instead of 0 in user interface
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "play");
    Blynk.setProperty(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "label", trackcountString);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "stop");
    Blynk.setProperty(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "label", " ");

  int tracknr = param.asInt();

  if (tracknr > 0)
    String trackcountString(tracknr);, 0, tracknr); // Plays tracknr in root folder on SD-card
    playmode = PLAY_MODE_TRACK;
    currentTrackCount = -1;
    Blynk.setProperty(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "label", trackcountString);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "play");

  String action = param.asStr();

  if (action == "play") {; // Plays all tracks in root folder of SD-card
    playmode = PLAY_MODE_ALL;
  if (action == "stop") {
  if (action == "next") {
  if (action == "prev") {

  int paramVol = param.asInt();
  uint8_t volume = constrain(paramVol, 0, 30);


  int paramEq = param.asInt();
  uint8_t eq = constrain(paramEq, 1, 6) - 1; // Blynk starts with 1, setEqualizer starts with 0



void updatePlayerState()
  int trackcount;

  if (dfPlay.isPlaying())
    trackcount = (int)dfPlay.getTrackCount();
    trackcount = -1;
    playmode = PLAY_MODE_OFF;

  if (trackcount != currentTrackCount)
    switch (playmode)
      case PLAY_MODE_OFF:
        Blynk.setProperty(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "label", " ");
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "stop");

      case PLAY_MODE_ALL:
        String trackcountString(trackcount + 1); // Start with 1 instead of 0 in user interface
        Blynk.setProperty(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "label", trackcountString);
        Blynk.virtualWrite(VPIN_MUSICPLAYER, "play");

    currentTrackCount = trackcount;

void setup()
  // Debug console
  BLYNK_PRINT.println("Waiting for connections...");

  dfPlay.begin(dfPlaySerial);          // Prepares DFPlay for execution

  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  // You can also specify server:
  //Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, "", 80);
  //Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, IPAddress(192,168,1,100), 8080);

void loop()
  dfPlay.manageDevice(); // Sends requests to DFPlayer & processes responses.

The library can be found here:


So cool! Can you share app screenshot, hardware photo and maybe a video?

We’d happily share on our channels!

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The DFPlayer can run on 3.3V or 5V, but it likes 5V much more. So, when the NodeMCU is connected to USB, connect the VIN pin of NodeMCU (5V) with VCC of DFPlayer.

As the NodeMCU is using 3.3V, RX & TX are both 3.3V, so there is normally no need to use a 1K resistor between D6 & dfplayer to reduce digital noise.

unfortunately getTracks() isnt implemented.
i need to know the total amount of files on the sdcard (while it is NOT playing) to build some kind of “play one random track and then stop” with a pushbutton.

anyone got a idea?

According to this, getTrackCount has been implemented:

Are you saying that it doesn’t do what you want?


hi, it works as it should. but i need getTracks()

uint32_t getTracks() > Returns the total number of tracks in a media or folder play

uint32_t getTrackCount() > Returns the currently playing track number within a media or folder play

Dear ediik,

I think you were working on an old version, rwpalmer added getTracks() on 16th of September. It should work now.

uint32_t DFPlay::getTracks(void) { return cState.tracks; }

Hey I downloaded the library, tried to upload the program, and this error message

fatal error: DFPlay.h: No such file or directory
#include “DFPlay.h”

I tried restarting the IDE. Still the same message popped up. Any one else have this issue?

There are 2 options to use the library

  • just copy DFPlay.cpp and DFPlay.h in your project directory
  • using the library manager. But to be able to do that, the file was missing. I added it to my fork of the library on
    and did a pull request. Now it should be possible to install it like other libraries.

Thanks A lot!!!

I found out that when using very short audio files, the code might repeat the audio files 2 or 3 times. To fix this, simply add following define (a fixed value in the library)


and replace, 0, tracknr); // Plays tracknr in root folder on SD-card

by, DFPLAY_FOLDER_ROOT, tracknr); // Plays tracknr in root folder on SD-card

I upload your code but not working for me and set vpin on blynk app exactly the same as your code
can you help me?

What exactly does

actually mean?
What are you seeing in the serial monitor? Are you getting a connection to Wi-Fi and Blynk?


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@alcor I’ve done a bit of a clean-up on this topic and deleted a couple of your cryptic posts as they don’t seem to relate to the topic being discussed and are impossible to understand.

If you have a genuine question for the forum then I’d suggest that you start a new “Need help with my project” topic and provide full details of your project including hardware, code, OS version, library version etc and full details of what you’ve achieved so far and what is and isn’t working for you.


Hello. I am new here.
I followed the instructions and am unable to get the player to play anything.
I have the player TX and RX setup on D6 And D5
Using the NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12F-Module)
Can someone help. What more info do you need?

Are they connected this way around?

Also, which Blynk library version are you using?


First of all Thank You for the Reply.
I have tried them on d6, d5 tried them on d5, d6. Version
tried them on a UNO on 0 and 1
blynk 1.0.0-beta2
Blynk_aswync_ESP32_WF 1.20
Looks mostly like version 1.2

You should uninstall this and install 0.6.1 instead.
This won’t fix your DFPlayer issue, but you’ll have other issues if you continue with the beta version.

Stick with the connection specified, otherwise you’re introducing too many variables that will never work.

Re-writing the code to work on an Uno and whatever connection method you’ve chosen (presumably an ESP-01 as a WiFi modem) is adding much more complexity, especially for someone who is new to Blynk. You’d be better sticking to the specified hardware.


I don´t see how the DFplayer module is getting powered on the NodeMCU picture. It looks like it has its own power supply. It is possible to connect to GND and VIN of the NodeMCU to get 5V from the USB power connector. If, for some reason, you insist on having a separate power supply for the dfplayer module, it is important to have the GND´s of both power supplies connected. Other typical points of attention with dfplayer: the SD card must have max 32Gb capacity and must be formatted as FAT16 or FAT32.