Android Open Beta. Version 2.27.2

More like a horizontal line coming out from the LAST point, stretching to the left. But it is just a guess…

The last or the previous one (second from the last)

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Not exactly. It appears to be connected to the most recent data point on the graph (right side) and then a straight line across the graph to the left. I also still saw one of my projects not draw any lines on the graph when i switched to it.

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I’m uploading a new beta update:

  1. Graph lines bug fixed
  2. BLE/BT wrong byte packets sent in some cases

I hope we are near release now.

Had anybody faced mentioned here gradient fill bug in chart and tabs glitches?


The live charts does not moving

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Yep, I see that I’d broke live mode in super chart. The fix is uploading.

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Sorry, I really tried to find a bug in the Bluetooth classic and BLE connectivity on ESP32, and I give it up: I didn’t find any bug. Not a single time “Packet too big”. No need to relogin, … Congratulations, I am convinced this will be the best build you made up till now for BT/BLE developpers!

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App crashed when swiching between tabs in stop mode.
I’m report the bug from app

Update: app crashes when go to widget settings and get back.

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tabs settings or any widget’s settings?

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Any widget settings and switching between tabs in stop mode.

I could not reproduce and hadn’t received crash report o_0
Your device’s OS version?

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Android 5.1.1

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Will it be possible to include a working Eventor or Email or Notification widget with BT/BLE? The options are not grayed out but the last time i tested it i did not any have success. The app kept bringing up a message saying the Blynk version is outdated. Please if its possible, at least let one of these widgets be compatible with BLE :pray:

Email and notification will not work with BLE/BT, maybe when we will have time to implement resending of their commands received from the BLE/BT device, but this mean that when the device will be disconnected - this logic would not work. Same issues apply to Eventor.

Looks like it is a crash with super chart. I just received the report - is your device Sony Xperia?

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yes. XPERIA Z Ultra. but all widget settings crashes when open settings and get back

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It is super chart widget crash, probably even not visible (pre-inited in the background tab)

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I’m uploading new beta build with a fix to this issue.

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Thanks for your time :pray:

I notice that pull data doesn’t always switch on automatically in BLE mode.

  • when pressing “Play”, “pull data” starts correctly/automatically
  • when switching off the screen and switch on again: “pull data” doesn’t start automatically
  • when opening Blynk app in project, “pull data” doesn’t start automatically
  • when app loses focus, and gets focus again: “pull data” doesn’t start automatically

The strange thing is that when using Bluetooth classic, it does start automatically in all those cases.

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What is ‘app loses focus’? Do you mean multi-window use of the app?

It is strange that 2 and 3 not working - I’ll check.