Add users to project in blynk 2.0?

I don’t need to configure every permission because I don’t use my device professional, it’s just a home pond control. With a payed PLUS plan I expected to have a standard user role which is only able to view and operate my device via app. This is what the name default user means to me.

But I understand this is gonna be fixed now?

That’s correct

I changed from Staff to User and it is working now. I will do some more testing.

Thanks for the help

If I do understand the situation correctly, a user in the PLUS plan should be able to see his own devices. However this is not what is currently shown in my dashboard. Is this still work in progress?

I am having the same problem with my account. The user role does not have any permissions, is unable to see any devices that are assigned to it. If I change the user role to Staff or Admin the account can see devices, control them, etc. as soon as I change back to User the account can not see the device(s) that are assigned to it.

These are how my permissions are configured @Pavel please help.

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@Dmitriy could you please check?

@judas please send me your email.

Hi Dmitry
I have the same issiue , useres have no rights


I have a project with 5 devices and one active user without any device, however that user can see and operate all of my devices. Is it possible to limit the view of a user to a set of devices? I believed transferring the ownership of a device to a user was the way to give a user access to a given device.

Yes, it’s possible in PRO plan.

Thanks for the clarification but PRO is too expensive for my home project(s).
In my case it is mainly a matter of understanding the functional boundaries of the PLUS plan.

You can add users under any plan, but if you need to set up different permissions, then it’s only in PRO

Just to be clear I am on the PLUS plan and use an Android phone

I have also read the documentation in case you ask, it could be that I may have missed something or do not fully understand the device sharing instructions.

Or it could be that the instructions are for the PRO version and that the PLUS version is a different process. There seems to be some indication regarding this from the last comment

I invite my friend Neville to join as a USER. At the moment it is Pending. I want to give him one of my Geyser Controllers to install. I did try this late last year for my wife and it was a complete failure I eventually gave up. Now I am trying again…

He got an email to create a password, so we know that works. He then creates a password. I am not sure if he tried the Blynk Console (something I need to follow up on)

I also ask him to download the BLYNK IOT app from the Android Play Store. He is unable to login, he tried several times but no luck.

A further question, once we get this sorted out will he see the phone app as I see it below?

My understanding is as I am the owner I can share up to 10 users and I expect that they will see what I see but with limited rights as I define in Roles And Permissions.

At the moment I have the default setting (I do not recall changing them)

I am starting to warm to the Blynk 2.0 (if you may be wondering) and would like this to work.

Wouldn’t it be simpler to test this yourself, using a second e-mail address or your wife’s email again?

There is (or at least was) an issue with the default permissions for the “User” role which made it impossible for them to control a device.
I’m not sure if you are able to edit those permission in a Plus plan, if not then you may need to go for the Staff role.


Will try again with her email. Would you suggest I delete her account and start the process again?
She did get a new phone as well. My feeling is I start from scratch…

Yes, 100%


Error on the mobile screen means that password wasn’t created via “create password” link. So It’s better to repeat the invitation process.

I have once again followed the process

In a Staff roll the system works.

If I change her to a USER roll she can see nothing.

The problem is that I cannot change permissions unless I upgrade!!! I would like the default USER role permissions.

Would it be possible for the developers to fix the problem and make the USER role work in the PLUS plan? I am quite happy with the default settings.

Thanks, I will delete the account and ask him to start again

This has been going around in circles for some time now. Blynk don’t seem to be able to decide how that want this to work, so are leaving it a limbo state where it’s no use to anyone (except Pro plan users)…
