Zapier and Blynk

Hi to everyone,
I’m trying to migrate from IFTT to zapier but I have a problem.
This is the IFTT configuration:

And it works!

This is the Zapier configuration:

But it doesn’t works…

Can someone help me?

Nobody uses Zapier?

The general rule with IFTTT is to use GET rather than PUT, and to put the whole command in the URL and leave the body (data) empty.
The GET syntax is different to the PUT syntax.


Just tried setting-up a “zap” to retrieve data from a virtual pin and it works…


Understood but I need to “write” a command.
For example, if I say: “kitchen light”, webhooks sends the data, arduino reads the value and open/close the relay…
I don’t need read a virtual pin…

It was just an example.
It’s just as easy to write data to a virtual pin as well using the GET method…


many thanks!
Now it works…

7 posts were split to a new topic: Need help with Zapier & Bluetooth

how did it work