When can we expect library for Arduino and ESP8266 as WiFi shield


I know that it is currently under development, but could You post some estimated release date please ? I am currently developing solution based on Arduino and ESP8266 and woud be grateful for any information about new release


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Just implemented it in BETA:

That’s great news! Which brand ESP8266 do you recommend?

I suggest the http://www.adafruit.com/product/2471 if you can catch it in stock.

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Great, i am going to test it and leave you feedback !!

There will be nice to have more logs

[0] Blynk v0.2.2-beta
[0] Connecting to Triolan95
[1022] Failed to disable Echo
[23378] Cmd not sent
[23378] Cmd not sent
[23413] Cmd not sent
[23448] Cmd not sent

Try installing the firmware 1.0.0 (AT commands v0.22)… I was testing with this version.

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Where do I get the ESP8266 files referenced in the ESP8266_Shield.ino example? I get the following compile error:

fatal error: ESP8266.h: No such file or directory

I’m using the Arduino editor v1.6.4 and have included the esp8266 board.

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Please see comments on the sketch (and the header comment…)

Thanks, it’s late and I should have read the example comments :blush:

Working great!! Now I can forget about the whole USB method!! :smile:


i am trying to run esp8266_shield example. In serial monitor i am getting over and over again messages:


I am using arduino nano and hardware serial. AT version is 0.21 and it is changed in ESP8266.h to 0.18 version. It seems that it cannot conect to blynk cloud right ? In my blynk application in my phone aruino nano is offline.

My code:

#include <ESP8266.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h>
#define EspSerial Serial

ESP8266 wifi(EspSerial);

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "myTokenNumber";

void setup()

  EspSerial.begin(115200);  // Set ESP8266 baud rate
  while (!EspSerial) {
  Blynk.begin(auth, wifi, "MYSSID", "MYPSWD");

void loop()

Hey, Nano has only one hw serial and it is reserved for Usb communication (monitor).
I don’t think you can use it…
Either use sw serial, or switch a board (i used Pro Micro)

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you mean pro mini right ? Which has one more 1 pairs of ports TTL level serial transceiver right ?

I mean the one with 32U4 chip (same as Leonardo)

Стандартный пример из вашей библиотеки на шильде ESP8266 и ардуино нано выдаёт ошибку компиляции BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h. На нано пробовали? Есть подозрение, что банально озу не хватает. На более мощном типа меги возможности попробовать нет. Не подскажите в чем может быть проблема?


Just wanted to confirm this is working 100% on a Arduino Nano V3.0 with a ESP8266 as a “shield” connected to the Nano’s HW Rx and Tx pins.

The downside as you mentioned is that in order to reprogram the Arduino you need to remove the ESP from the circuit, and you do not have the ability to debug unless using Software Serial.

Many thanks for all the hard work you guys are putting in.

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can you share the steps and library you used , and also a sample sketch
i have the same Hardware (Nano board and ESP-01) but i cant figure out how to
start connecting together

Here is a basic example, create a button on the dash and set the pin to Digital 13:

#include <ESP8266.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleShieldEsp8266.h>

#define EspSerial Serial

ESP8266 wifi(EspSerial);

char auth[] = "YourAuth"

// Declare Constants
const int ledPin = 13;             // Built-in LED

void setup() 
    EspSerial.begin(115200);  // Set ESP8266 baud rate
    Blynk.begin(auth, wifi, "YourSSID", "YourPSK");
    pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() 
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That’s very good , can you please provide the below to be a working example for me and all

1- the links to the used libraries.
2- the diagram of the connections and circuits between the Nano board and the ESP-01.
3-why you added Ethernet and no used in the code.

thanks in advance

good point, you could probably remove it, it was in the example for bridge so i just kept it in, will take it out and let you know if anything strange happens.

For the physical connections, its quite straight forward, best example i can find is courtesy of “James Wolf” form his site here: http://contractorwolf.com/esp8266-wifi-arduino-micro/ (Again, he is using a micro so what i did was search for the Micro’s pinout and then match his connections to the correct pins on the Nano)

For the libraries, check on github for the latest ESP8266 library or add it via the Arduino IDE’s library manager.