What the...... Why did the free test period do this?

Ok so after many many offers about trying free maker test period I did that.

It just ended and just like that my 4 pre free existing widgets now is behind a paid wall.

This feels kinda rotten I must say.

Can you explain this in a way that’s more understandable?


I had free plan.
4 info number widgets showing temperature and humidity.
Running the free plan for about a year.
2 weeks ca ago I tried the the free maker test period.
Now when it has ended my 4 info widgets are greyed out and a unlock pop-up about signing up to a paid plan to unlock my widgets.

What widget types are these?

My guess is that they are labelled value widgets.


Yes, label widget or labeled value seems right.
Cant check in the app because its locked.
Cant remove widget because its locked.

Finally could remove but not ad same widget I had prevoius.
Could ad widget Value Display, but I am really unsure that thats what I had before trying the test period. Because I cant choose same design options.

I had not changed these widgets since I made them.

Question is why did they break just because I tried the free maker offer.

Okay, this is what happened…

You had the free subscription at the point when the labelled widget was included in that plan.

You upgraded to the Maker/Plus plan, the labelled widget was/is included in that plan.

You ended that subscription and went back to the free plan. During this period the labelled value widget had been removed from the free plan, so by downgrading you went to the latest version of the free plan, as opposed to the version you had prior to the upgrade.

I guess the solution is to delete the device (and possibly the template, I’m not sure) and recreate it using widgets that are available in the current version of the free plan…

  • Button
  • Slider: horizontal
  • Value Display
  • LED
  • Gauge
  • Super Chart - Single Datastream
  • Image Gallery
  • WebPage Image Button

The information about this was included in this announcement post…


Yup thats on me then.
Guess I never thought a trial period would be handled like that.

You learn you regret you forget.