Web dashboard image widget

Hi all,
A quick question. Does the image widget url for the web dashboard need to be https? I have tried to add this widget for one of my projects but keep getting an “invalid link” error. The link is http and I have no problems with the same link on the mobile dashboard and no problems bringing up the images when I paste the link into a browser. The only difference I can think of is the lack of secure url.


Hey buddy,
I just tried it, it’s working fine.
Have you tried a different images ?

Thanks for the quick response John. And you are using http in the link and not https? Just tried it again and still getting the invalid link error. If you are using http, then clearly something I am missing (but not sure there is much to miss - should be pretty straightforward).


Yes, I’m using http url
Why are you using http ?

Thanks. My images are stored on a raspberry pi and I haven’t gotten around to setting up a secure connection (nothing of any risk stored on it anyway).
Clearly something I have missed - I’ll keep trying. Have tried several different images but no luck so far.


If the images are on a Pi within your own network then you need to ensure that they can be resolved from outside of your network. That normally means using a DDNS servicea and updater, and setting-up appropriate port forwarding rules on your router.

I’m guessing that the images appear on your phone when it’s connected to your local WiFi, but that if you turn-off WiFi on your phone and use GPRS data instead then the images won’t be displayed?

A simple solution is to place the images on a public webserver, or a GitHub page, or here…



I’m using Google drive.

Hi Pete,
Many thanks for the feedback. I do use a ddns service (duckdns) to ensue the pi has global access and I have been using the mobile version of the image widget without connectivity issues for some time. The url I am using for the Web dashboard is exactly the same as the one I use for the mobile dashboard. There must be something else I am missing here if it isn’t related to the secure access.


In that case, maybe you should provide a more comprehensive explanation about your setup, rather than minimalistic details.
