Virtual pins to control bits?

Hi I am wondering if I can use widget buttons to set bits high or low by using virtual pins and Blynk_Write. I am new to coding and Blynk. Any help is greatly appreciated.

With Virtual Pins you can apply any logic and send any data.
If you have a sketch that can set bits high or low - please post it here. Adding Blynk should be easy.

Pavel, here my code for a Particle Electron and NCD4 relay board.
It verified and flashed fine.
I have a button set up for V0 .
When button is pushed the electron blinks red.
Any ideas?

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <NCD4Relay.h>

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <blynk.h>

#include  <spark_wiring_i2c.h>
#include <application.h>
#define AddrCurrent 0x2A    // I²C  Address for Current Monitor
#define CT_delay 10000      //  10,000 = 10 seconds.  The CT Current Monitor Data Sheet suggests only reading the Board every 8-10 seconds


char msg[256];

unsigned long now = millis();           // Used as Time to compare the Ellapsed time for various readings
unsigned int lastPublish = 0;           // Previous Publish to ThingSpeak
unsigned long nowCT = millis();         // Latest CT Current-Monitor Reading
unsigned int lastCT = millis();         // Previous CT Current-Monitor Reading

//  Variables Req'd for I²C  CT Current-Monitor Board
int msb1 = 0, msb = 0, lsb = 0;
unsigned int data[36];  
int typeOfSensor = 0;
int maxCurrent = 0;
int noOfChannel = 0;

int CH1trueamps = 0;
int CH2trueamps = 0;

double current = 0;
double amps = 0;

//  These 4 Floats will hold the values to send to for data logging to the Cloud :
float CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4;      // Pump/Motor AMPS    

// Arrays 
static int oldVal[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; // Previous Sensor Values to Compare if Run State has Changed - equality checks are safer with Integers, so we will multiply by 10 for all sensor values, But divide by 10 before publishing each value
static int nowVal[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; // Most Recent Sensor Values * 10    
static int Flag[3] = {0,0,0};       // A "0" Value means nothing to update.  Flag[1] = 1 requests to Publish AMPS after the Publish Delay, Flag[2] = 1 requests an immediate Publish (no Delay - used for Pump Start/Stop Events)

//  Remote Reset Function, used to RE-SET the Photon/Electron using 
unsigned int rebootDelayMillis = DELAY_BEFORE_REBOOT;
unsigned long rebootSync = millis();
bool resetFlag = false;

NCD4Relay relayController;


int triggerRelay(String command);

bool tripped[4];

int debugTrips[4];

int minTrips = 5;
#define AddrRelay 0x20

 /* This function is called once at start up ----------------------------------*/ 
  Blynk is a platform with iOS and Android apps to control
  Arduino, Raspberry Pi and the likes over the Internet.
  You can easily build graphic interfaces for all your
  projects by simply dragging and dropping widgets.

    Downloads, docs, tutorials:
    Sketch generator: 
    Blynk community:  
    Follow us:        

  Blynk library is licensed under MIT license
  This example code is in public domain.


  No coding required for direct digital/analog pin operations!


#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial  // Set serial output for debug prints
//#define BLYNK_DEBUG       // Uncomment this to see detailed prints

// Uncomment this, if you want to set network credentials
//#include "cellular_hal.h"
//STARTUP(cellular_credentials_set("broadband", "", "", NULL));

// Run "ping", and set Blynk IP to the shown address
#define BLYNK_IP        IPAddress(45,55,130,102)

// Set Blynk hertbeat interval.
// Each heartbeat uses ~90 bytes of data.

// Set Particle keep-alive ping interval.
// Each ping uses 121 bytes of data.

#include <blynk.h>

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "209f4fede69f4627818b48bdea98353a";

void setup() {
  Blynk.begin(auth, BLYNK_IP);
 /* This function loops forever --------------------------------------------*/ 
 void loop() 
     //Perform Housekeeping of Blynk connection; 
     //Read inputs on relay board: 
   //  updateInputs(false); 
     //Recieved command to control relay 1. 
     int value = param.asInt(); 
     Serial.printf("Blynk virtual write pin %i with param %i \n", V0, value); 
         case 1: 
         case 0: 
     //Recieved command to control relay 2. 
     int value = param.asInt(); 
     Serial.printf("Blynk virtual write pin %i with param %i \n", V1, value); 
         case 1: 
         case 0: 

Start with properly formatting your posted code, thanks.

Sorry about that

Assuming you are referring to a red LED? Is it supposed to light up when you run a relayController.whatever() command? If so, then congratulations, it works :wink:

If you have your Button Widget as normal, then what is happening is case 1 runs when you press and case 0 when you release. PS you are missing a default… not sure if that matters as you only have two possible values.

Good programming would require a default case for error handling, but I doubt it would matter much in this case (haha, see what I did there…).

Besides that, your code looks great. I would use a simple IF/ELSE for this because there are only two possible logic outcomes, but that’s a matter of personal preference :slight_smile:

Pavel, here’s the code. It verifies and flashes to the electron fine. Blynk apps sees it on line. I am able to control the LED on board electron(D7). Not able to control any of relays Travis with NCD has been helping me also. The BLYNK_WRITE function was written by him.

Thanks for all your help.

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <NCD4Relay.h>

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <blynk.h>

// while a pump is running. Very Important to data usage for an ELECTRON. Start with 180000 after initial bench testing..
int minCurrent =                1;                 //  MUST MULTIPLY BY A FACTOR OF 10.  Example: using 20 will eleminate any AMP Reading that is less than 2 AMPS to avoid noise on the Graph.
int spikeCurrent =             500;                 //  MUST MULTIPLY BY A FACTOR OF 10.  Example: using 500 will eleminate any AMP Reading that is OVER 50 AMPS. This doesn't show Startup SPIKES for large Inductive Loads, true running amps will be read 10 seconds later.
                                                    //  If you dont want the minCurrent and spikeCurrent Functionality, set to 1 and 1500 respectively
//ThingSpeak Channel Info                           //  
//const char * myWriteAPIKey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";    //  From your ThinkSpeak Account Info (API KEYS tab)

// There is no need to change anything else if you are just getting started. 

#include  <spark_wiring_i2c.h>
#include <application.h>
#define AddrCurrent 0x2A    // I²C  Address for Current Monitor
#define CT_delay 10000      //  10,000 = 10 seconds.  The CT Current Monitor Data Sheet suggests only reading the Board every 8-10 seconds


char msg[256];

unsigned long now = millis();           // Used as Time to compare the Ellapsed time for various readings
unsigned int lastPublish = 0;          
unsigned long nowCT = millis();         // Latest CT Current-Monitor Reading
unsigned int lastCT = millis();         // Previous CT Current-Monitor Reading

//  Variables Req'd for I²C  CT Current-Monitor Board
int msb1 = 0, msb = 0, lsb = 0;
unsigned int data[36];  
int typeOfSensor = 0;
int maxCurrent = 0;
int noOfChannel = 0;

int CH1trueamps = 0;
int CH2trueamps = 0;

double current = 0;
double amps = 0;

//  These 4 Floats will hold the values to send to for data logging to the Cloud :
float CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4;      // Pump/Motor AMPS    

// Arrays 
static int oldVal[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; // Previous Sensor Values to Compare if Run State has Changed - equality checks are safer with Integers, so we will multiply by 10 for all sensor values, But divide by 10 before publishing each value
static int nowVal[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; // Most Recent Sensor Values * 10    
static int Flag[3] = {0,0,0};       // A "0" Value means nothing to update.  Flag[1] = 1 requests to Publish AMPS after the Publish Delay, Flag[2] = 1 requests an immediate Publish (no Delay - used for Pump Start/Stop Events)

//  Remote Reset Function, used to RE-SET the Photon/Electron using
unsigned int rebootDelayMillis = DELAY_BEFORE_REBOOT;
unsigned long rebootSync = millis();
bool resetFlag = false;

NCD4Relay relayController;


bool tripped[4];

int debugTrips[4];

int minTrips = 5;
#define AddrRelay 0x20


#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial  // Set serial output for debug prints
//#define BLYNK_DEBUG       // Uncomment this to see detailed prints

// Uncomment this, if you want to set network credentials
//#include "cellular_hal.h"
//STARTUP(cellular_credentials_set("broadband", "", "", NULL));

// Run "ping", and set Blynk IP to the shown address
#define BLYNK_IP        IPAddress(45,55,130,102)

// Set Blynk hertbeat interval.
// Each heartbeat uses ~90 bytes of data.

// Set Particle keep-alive ping interval.
// Each ping uses 121 bytes of data.

#include <blynk.h>

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "eb70fc7c1e7349ddaa588f4d979a96d7";        // ANDY2  "2f7b99a1190949928b59f5a11a357edf";

void setup() {
      // Register Particle Function to allow user to remotely Change the Publish Delay.   
//  Particle.function("setDelay", setPublishDelay);

  // Set I²C  Current Monitor Board  variable
  Particle.variable("i2cdevice", "PECMAC125A");
  Particle.variable("typeOfSensor", typeOfSensor);
  Particle.variable("maxCurrent", maxCurrent);
  Particle.variable("noOfChannel", noOfChannel);
  Particle.variable("OUTPUT1", CH1trueamps);
  Particle.variable("OUTPUT2", CH2trueamps);

//  Remote Reset Function    
//  Particle.function("reset",cloudResetFunction);

  // I²C  setup for the CT Current-Monitor Motherboard
  // Initialise I²C  communication as MASTER
  // Initialise Serial Communication, set baud rate = 9600

  // Setup the Current Monitor 
  // Start I²C  transmission
  // Command header byte-1
  // Command header byte-2
  // Command 2 is used to read no of sensor type, Max current, No. of channel
  // Reserved
  // Reserved
  // Reserved
  // Reserved
  // CheckSum
  // Stop I²C  transmission
  // Request 6 bytes of data
   Wire.requestFrom(AddrCurrent, 6);
  // Read 6 bytes of data
  if (Wire.available() == 6){
    data[0] =;
    data[1] =;
    data[2] =;
    data[3] =;
    data[4] =;
    data[5] =;
  typeOfSensor = data[0];
  maxCurrent = data[1];
  noOfChannel = data[2];
  Blynk.begin(auth, BLYNK_IP);

/* This function loops forever --------------------------------------------*/ 
 void loop(){ 
     //Perform Housekeeping of Blynk connection;
     nowCT = millis();

 if (abs(nowCT - lastCT) > CT_delay)  {    // The intention is to only read the Current Monitor every 10 seconds, per the Specs.  
     for (int j = 1; j < noOfChannel + 1; j++) {
     // Start I²C  Transmission
     // Command header byte-1
     // Command header byte-2
     // Command 1
     // Start Channel No.
     // End Channel No.
     // Reserved
     // Reserved
     // CheckSum
     Wire.write((0x92 + 0x6A + 0x01 + j + j + 0x00 + 0x00) & 0xFF);
    // Stop I²C  Transmission
     // Request 3 bytes of data
     Wire.requestFrom(AddrCurrent, 3);
     // Read 3 bytes of data
     // msb1, msb, lsb
     msb1 =;
     msb =;
     lsb =;
     current = (msb1 * 65536) + (msb * 256) + lsb;
     // Convert the data to ampere
     amps = current / 1000;
     // the For Loop cycles through each Channel of the CT Board.  Store each AMP reading next. 
     nowVal[j] = round(amps * 10) ;  // Multiply the AMPS * 10 and store the value in the Array for that particular Channel (CH1 - CH4).  This converts the AMP reading to an integer, we will "recover" the decimal place later. 

     if (nowVal[j]  > spikeCurrent){ //  Want to eleminate the SPIKE during Startup.  The CT will recognize the TRUE Running Amps 10 seconds (CT_Delay) later during the next read and store that value instead.  
         nowVal[j] = 0;              // set to 0 and read the True Running Amps on the Next read in 10 seconds.
     if (nowVal[j]  < minCurrent) {  //The CT's may bounch around 0-2 amps during "No-Load".  
         nowVal[j] = 0;              //  Dont want to send 0.XX - 2.00 Amps to  so delete these low values, or "noise". 
         if (oldVal[j]  > minCurrent) {   // If the previous AMP reading showed the Pump to be Running, but Now it is NOT Running- So the PUMP just "STOPPED".
             Particle.publish("PUMP", "Pump # " + String(j) + " Stopped"   , PRIVATE);   // Comment Out this line if you do Not Want Start/Stop Notifications.  Use if you do.  
             Flag[2]  = 1;           // Will REQUEST an immediate full publish - with no publish Delay Check for Flag[2] == 1.  
     //  Same as above, but checking to see if the Pump JUST "STARTED".
     if (nowVal[j]  > minCurrent) {  //The CT's bounch around 0 amps.  Dont want to send 0.XX - 2.00 Amps to ThingSpeak
         Flag[1]  = 1;               // Flag[1] is used for ANY CT measurement above the minimum threshold - Requests a Full Publish after the Publish Delay Is Met.  This is to log normal runtime AMPS at the interval publish_delay.
             if (oldVal[j]  < minCurrent)   { // a PUMP is running now but wasn't on previous check, then it just "STARTED".
                 Particle.publish("PUMP", "Pump # " + String(j) + " Started "    , PRIVATE);   // Comment Out this line if you do Not Want Start/Stop Notifications.  Use if you do.
                // Flag[2]  = 1;       // Will REQUEST an immediate full publish - with no publish Delay Check for Flag[2] == 1
     oldVal[j] =  nowVal[j];         // Set the Old Value to the most recent Value for the Next Comparison to determine if the Pump is Starting or Stopping. 
     lastCT = nowCT;                 // Since we've sucessfully read all the Channels of the CT Current Monitor Board, update the TIME for the Last Read.  We want to wait 10 seconds before another CT Current Monitor Board Read.  

 //  ALL READINGS ARE COMPLETE, SO UPDATE THE CHANNEL Float Values used for logging data to 
 CH1 = (nowVal[1] / 10.0) * 120;           //  Divide each Integer Value by 10 to recover the 1 Decimal Place precision
 CH2 = (nowVal[2] / 10.0) * 120;
 CH3 = (nowVal[3] / 10.0);
 CH4 = (nowVal[4] / 10.0);

 CH1trueamps = CH1;
 CH2trueamps = CH2; 

     //Check Blynk publish interval for temperature reading so we only publish every 1 second. 
//    // if(millis() > lastTempPub + tempPubInt){ 
  //       lastTempPub = millis(); 
    //     tempF = tempSensor.temperatureF(); 
      //   char temp[8]; 
//         sprintf(temp, "%.2fº", tempF); 
  //       Serial.println(temp); 
    ///     //Publish the current temperature reading to the Blynk app. 
       //  Blynk.virtualWrite(V8, temp); 
//     } 
     //Read inputs on relay board: 
  //Perform Housekeeping of Blynk connection 
    {   //Recieved command to control relay 2. 
       int value = param.asInt(); 
       Serial.printf("Blynk virtual write pin %i with param %i \n", V1, value); 
           case 1: 
           case 0: 
       //Recieved command to control relay 1. 
       int value = param.asInt(); 
       Serial.printf("Blynk virtual write pin %i with param %i \n", V2, value); 
           case 1: 
           case 0: 
    {   //Recieved command to control relay 2. 
       int value = param.asInt(); 
       Serial.printf("Blynk virtual write pin %i with param %i \n", V3, value); 
           case 1: 
           case 0: 
    {   //Recieved command to control relay 2. 
       int value = param.asInt(); 
       Serial.printf("Blynk virtual write pin %i with param %i \n", V4, value); 
           case 1: 
           case 0: 
   void updateInputs(bool startup){ 
       //Read and debounce digital inputs on relay board. 
    	int status = relayController.readAllInputs(); 
    	int a = 0; 
      	for(int i = 1; i < 33; i*=2){ 
 		if(status & i){ 
 			if(debugTrips[a] >= minTrips || startup){ 
 				if(!tripped[a] || startup){ 
 				    //Input is closed 
 				    Serial.println("Input Closed"); 
 					tripped[a] = true; 
 					//Publish high status to LED indicator in Blynk app notifying user that input is closed. 
 				//	led[a].on(); 
 					if(a == 3){ 
 					    //If this is input 4 on the relay board then push notification to user's phone. 
 					    Blynk.notify("You're really pushing my buttons"); 
 			debugTrips[a] = 0; 
 			if(tripped[a] || startup){ 
 			    Serial.println("Input Open"); 
 			    //Input is open 
 				tripped[a] = false; 
 				//Publish low status to LED indicator in Blynk app notifying user that input is open. 
 			//	led[a].off(); 

Got it figured out. Thanks for the help.

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