Using C++ on a Raspberry Pi with Blynk

That is why I created this thread. The elitists slate the Arduino implementation of C++ but it’s something that many, many people, me included, are very familiar with. I made the basic example look as much like an Arduino sketch as I was able, even including some parts that are not technically needed.

Yes and no. Obviously a Raspberry Pi is not an Arduino but the underlying C++ code within the libraries can be compiled for most platforms. Arduino made the linking of libraries and compilation so seamless that many users are not aware of the basic processes that are involved. I’m certainly not knocking Arduino for that.

If you study the Makefile you will see the basics of how additional libraries and the required paths are included in the compilation but it’s not a straightforward process and takes some time to get up and running. I just wanted to offer the basic GPIO control as a starter and you will see the millis() hack for timed intervals rather than the preferred SimpleTimer used with Arduino.

I too struggle with paths but I did post a reference to bash_profile a few days ago. More to follow later …