User doesn't view device

Hello my friends!
Although users have the privilege of seeing devices, in practice this does not happen. Attachments to images:

Hello @flaviofvilela. What plan are you using?

Not quite. The screenshot shows that owners have the privilege of seeing devices that they own.

And, without information about how many devices that user owns the information you’ve provided means very little.


Maker plan

Pete, the user need to see the device created by the admin. However, this don’t occurred according to the screenshots…You can help?

Currently users with role user can’t see org devices in MAKER/PLUS plan.

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Not possible in Plus/Maker plan.

The solution is to set-up a single email address that will be used by all users, and transfer all devices to that user. All people logged-in to the app with that email will see all devices owned by that email, and you (as admin) will be able to see all devices, regardless of who owns them.


Thanks Pete!