i have this board but cant find out how to use/ program it
good one but theres dipswitches on this board do i do usb to atmega or usb to esp8266? arduino site doesnt tell me
This is the Blynk forum AKA ‘learn how to use Blynk’, not the ‘learn how to use UNO+WiFi’ forum.
But between G gleing and searching this forum for key words like UNO+WiFi you might find something
Once you know how it works, then it might be easier to use it with Blynk.
But the product site does.
The dip switch settings are dependant on what you are doing.
For example:
Uploading a sketch or firmaware to ESP9266
But if you flash the ESP8266 then it won’t work as a Wi-Fi adapter for the other built-in boards, unless you can get hold of a copy of the original AT firmware to flash it back afterwards.
Probably best to treat the board as a Uno/ESP device and load your code to the Uno (or buy a Wemos D1 Mini and forget this board all together).
i want t make a wemo emulater with this one with like 8 switches in one anybody got suggestion for better board and how to do it?
@PeteKnight I believe the Aduino IDE is able to flash the Arduino Uno WiFi directly, its one of the first things they recommend you do.
If you want to control 8 different devices that are in different parts of the house then you’d be better with multiple Wemos D1 Minis connected to one or two relays each. Or, using Sonoff 20s running Blynk code.
If all 8 electrical devices are in the same physical location then look at this thread:
its all in one box inside my dry wall switch with an 8 channel relay module
but wemos d1 is what many tell me so im going to take a look t those
Then takes look at the thread I linked you to. From what I recall, the guy had some mixed experiences with the 8-way relay modules because of quality control issues. Might be better with a couple of 4 -way relay boards and one Wemos for each board.
Or, look at using a couple of Sonnof 4channel Pro devices and re-flashing them with Blynk/Wemo code.
the RobotDyn Uno + WiFi is not Arduino Uno WiFi. those are two boards with different concepts. with RobotDyn Uno + WiFi you can switch the esp8266 to usb and flash it. you can connect Atmega to esp8266 over serial, but it is not practical because you then can’t connect Serial Monitor. better is disconnect them with switches and connect RX/TX of esp8266 on board header with jumper cables to a pair of Atmega pins used with Software Serial like it is common with standalone esp8266 modules.
if you want to use the esp8266 as network adapter with Blynk, flash the AT firmware to it