Does the address to which you connect form work and home differ in any way? Maybe it has to do with the DNS update, though that should be said and done by now …
As far as i know that Blynk team started a regional clustered server , means that for every region ( Europe , North America , Asia , Middle east ) your hardware and app will connect to the nearest Server to your geographical location. and from time to time - Automated - the all servers should synchronize all projects and user data.
but it seams that not happening well.
in your case while you are in Work you are connecting to X server which have an old version of your project.
and at home your are connecting to Z server with the latest version of your project.
just run that command in your CMD ping and your probelm will be solved only when you see the same IP result at home and work.
see @Dmitriy post Here about that issue and he promised will be solved soon
I’m in South Africa - and I guess the routing of data via either the east coast or the west coast of Africa will make a huge difference in how the domain name resolves
I think this issue still not solved , yesterdays i create anew and neat looking WIFI controlled Power extension, for my bother-i will post it soon in new post- i ask my bro to create a new dashboard and gives me the Auth token i flashed it and he cant control it.
but using my own token i can control it.
i lives in Saudi Arabia, my bro in Egypt and both have different IP result when Ping😁
Hello. Currently we are not working on it. There 2 workarounds to resolve issue. Either hardcode server IP or install local server. Yes, this is annoying issue, but we have no resources right now to invest in it. Sorry for inconveniences.