link Projects
//Need to improve code//
Wifi/Blynk controlled 4WD car using ESP 8266
Used Pin ESP07
D5-14 motorA1 ; D6-12 motorA2
D1-05 motorB1 ; D2-04 motorB2
D4-02 Rightflasher
RX-03 Leftflasher
D7-13 Headlight ; tx-01 buzzer
#include < ESP8266WiFi.h >
#include < BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h >
int X = 512;
int Y = 512;
int maximo = 0;
int Rflasher = 0;
int Lflasher = 0;
int buzzer = 0;
int police = 0;
int flasherLedState = LOW; //Initial led state
long previousMillis = 0; // Time control
long flasherLedInterval = 300; // Interval time to run
#define RED 0
#define BLUE 0
byte whichLED = RED;
byte Red_State = LOW;
byte Red1_State = LOW;
unsigned long switchDelay = 250;
unsigned long strobeDelay = 50;
unsigned long strobeWait = strobeDelay;
unsigned long waitUntilSwitch = switchDelay; // Initial state
char auth[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"; // You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600);// Set console baud rate
Blynk.begin(auth, "SSID", "PASS");// You will connect your phone to this Access Point and this is the password
pinMode(14, OUTPUT); // Pin motor A1
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); // Pin motor A2
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // Pin Rightflasher
pinMode(3, OUTPUT); // Pin Leftflasher
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // Pin motor B1
pinMode(4, OUTPUT); // Pin motor B2
pinMode(1, OUTPUT); // PinoBuzzer
BLYNK_WRITE(V1) // 0~1023
int X1 = param[0].asInt();
X = X1;
int Y1 = param[1].asInt();
Y = Y1;
BLYNK_WRITE(V2)// slider PWM from 0 to 1023
maximo = param.asInt();
BLYNK_WRITE(V3) // button Rightflasher
Rflasher = param.asInt();
BLYNK_WRITE(V4) // button Leftflasher
Lflasher = param.asInt();
BLYNK_WRITE(V5) // button buzzer
buzzer = param.asInt();
BLYNK_WRITE(V7) // button police
police = param.asInt();
void loop()
if (X != 512 && Y != 512)
if ( X > 311 && X < 711 && Y > 311 && Y < 711 ) // Motor Stop
analogWrite(14, 0); //IN-1A motorA = 0
analogWrite(12, 0); //IN-1B
analogWrite(5, 0); //IN-2A motorB = 0
analogWrite(4, 0); //IN-2B
if ( X > 311 && X < 711 && Y > 711) // motor forward
analogWrite(14, maximo); //motorA = maximo;
analogWrite(12, 0);
analogWrite(5, maximo);//motorB = maximo;
analogWrite(4, 0);
if ( X > 311 && X < 711 && Y < 311) // Motor backward
analogWrite(12, maximo);// motorA = maximo;
analogWrite(14, 0);
analogWrite(5, maximo);// motorB = maximo;
analogWrite(4, 0);
if ( X > 711 && Y > 711) // Right Forward
analogWrite(14, maximo);//motorA = maximo;
analogWrite(12, 0);
analogWrite(5, 0);//motorB = 0;
analogWrite(4, 0);
if ( X < 311 && Y > 711) // Left Forward
analogWrite(14, 0);//motorA = 0;
analogWrite(12, 0);
analogWrite(5, maximo);//motorB = maximo;
analogWrite(4, 0);
if ( X > 711 && Y < 311) // Right backwards
analogWrite(12, maximo);//motorA = maximo;
analogWrite(14, 0);
analogWrite(5, 0 );//motorB = 0;
analogWrite(4, 0);
if ( X < 311 && Y < 311) // Left backwards
analogWrite(12, 0);//motorA = 0;
analogWrite(14, 0);
analogWrite(5, maximo);//motorB = maximo;
analogWrite(4, 0);
if (Rflasher != 1 && Lflasher != 1)
if (police == 1)
digitalWrite(2, Red_State);
digitalWrite(3, Red1_State);
if ((long)(millis() - waitUntilSwitch) >= 0) {
// time is up!
Red_State = LOW;
Red1_State = LOW;
whichLED = !whichLED; // toggle LED to strobe
waitUntilSwitch += switchDelay;
// police effect
if ((long)(millis() - strobeWait) >= 0) {
if (whichLED == RED)
Red_State = !Red_State;
if (whichLED == BLUE)
Red1_State = !Red1_State;
strobeWait += strobeDelay;
} else {
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); //Current time
if (currentMillis - previousMillis > flasherLedInterval) //Logic of time verification
previousMillis = currentMillis; // Saves the current time
if (flasherLedState == LOW)
flasherLedState = HIGH;
} else {
flasherLedState = LOW;
if (Rflasher == 1 && police == 0)
digitalWrite(2, flasherLedState);
} else {
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
if (Lflasher == 1 && police == 0)
digitalWrite(3, flasherLedState);
} else {
digitalWrite(3, LOW);
if (buzzer == 1)
tone(1, 500, 200); //Horn tone "FA"