I suspect it is a bug resulting from runtime optimizations; we had slightly reorganized code responsible for widgets updates on that screen - please check the issue in 1.10.5.
Results after 15 min test:
- have not seen any issue on labelled value nor gauge widgets.
- stuck on loading of superchart is NOK. I have 5 supercharts on one device, organised one after the other. Consequently not all charts fit the screen at the same time (need to scroll to see the hidden ones). In all the tests of today, it was always the first one off-screen that was stuck in loading. For example, when the screen is at the top then nr3 is the first one off-screen and does not load at opening the tile (1, 2, 4 and 5 are loading). When I scroll the screen a bit up so that nr4 is the first one off- screen, close the tile and re-open it, nr4 is the one not loading (1, 2, 3, 5 are loading).
Will continue testing and provide feedback tomorrow.
Regards, Piet.
I believe this issue may arise after some time of app usage, so I welcome your later comments. Seem in the previous case it was fine on the first check, but after some time it broke.
Will do but understand that the superchart loading issue is still an issue (and most probably a different issue than the labeled value/gauge widget update)
I’ve got that, our QA and me will try tomorrow to test this case with 5 and more charts
Unfortunately all issues related to widget updates are back. Booting my phone to start off with a clean sheet did not help. It looks like 1.10.5 did not change much.
please PM me with your email - I will prepare a logging build for this specific issue and will share it with you - it may help to resolve this issue
just in case, does about screen of the app showit is 1.10.5 version?
You might want to hide your personal email from that screenshot.
Both issues, the stuck in loading of supercharts and the erratic loading of simple widgets, are solved in 1.11.1. As far as I am concerned this tread can be closed.
Thanks to Alex and team.