[SOLVED] Particle Electron support

you need the particle CLI. Follow these steps first https://docs.particle.io/guide/tools-and-features/cli/electron/ then after you install and update the particle CLI go here https://github.com/spark/firmware/releases and download system-part1-0.5.0-rc.1-electron.bin and also system-part2-0.5.0-rc.1-electron.bin Connect USB from your computer to your electron, after that open the node.js command prompt and move the two files you just downloaded to the directory that your node.js is showing. Then type particle flash --serial system-part1-0.5.0-rc.1-electron.bin and press enter it will tell you to hold your electron mode button until it flashes blue. Once it’s flashing blue hit enter. Then type particle flash --serial system-part2-0.5.0-rc.1-electron.bin and repeat the same process. In the web IDE you now need to change your firmware to the newer version in the devices tab. You may need to unclaim and reclaim your device for it to work.


@slimfetz Thanks very much for your time and the reply. You have provided very detailed instructions and I appreciate your help

Did it work for you?

I have not had time to try it yet. I will not be back home until early next week so it may be a while. I will update you on the outcome.
Thanks again

I have my electron and asset tracker shield running with the beta firmware. Works well from what I can see but my issue at the moment is that the extra ‘B’ ports on the electron aren’t available in Blynk.
I’m working on monitoring some analogue ports but some of the A ports are used by the accelerometer on the asset tracker.

How’s the work going on getting it officially supported?


Hello. Here is https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/issues/104 ticket with status. Waiting for @vshymanskyy to make it work.

Hey Dmitriy, looks like vhymanskyy closed the ticket with vers 0.5.0! Many of us are anxious for Blynk on our Electrons. Soon perhaps? BTW, I love Blynk! Been using it on my PiZero and iPhone for months! Great product. Please keep it up!

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@vshymanskyy could you please answer?

Did you try using Blynk with Electron FW 0.5.0 ?

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Not yet. I’ve been on travel but home now so I will try it tonight.

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Blynk success with firmware 0.5.0! Thanks! Looking forward to pressing my Particle into Blynk service. Took me a bit to get the firmware successfully flashed. Tried OTA first but that did not take. Not sure why. Next went to DFU mode but then realized the DFU utilities in the Particle documentation are for Windows and I’m on a Mac. But a “brew install dfu-util” worked. I then used the “Particle CLI (locally over USB with individual binaries)” version of the firmware install at: https://github.com/spark/firmware/releases/tag/v0.5.0.

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Have you got your electron to work with blynk on the new library 3.5??? and firmware 5.1???

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I’m about to get back into this, is the electron officially supported now or do I have to jump through a few hoops to get it going? I need to flash the newest firmware then load my code and that’s it? Should an OTA update work? Seems too easy, but that’s what blynk is all about right! Any tips would be appreciated, thanks.

it should just work. If you have any issues - tell us.
Be warned that using Blynk on Electron you can easily eat your data plan!

I updated the firmware to 5.1 and blynk just says particle electron is offline.
i removed the blynk library and re added it hoping it was an older version, also refreshed the token but still no luck. Am i missing something

Not sure if it’s related but when I try to email my token it says request fail - server busy - try again later. Is the server down? I did create the controls a few months ago, maybe I need to delete it and start over.

Edit: I started with a fresh control and token but still doesn’t connect. I’ve been flashing OTA and that seems to work just fine.

Edit: After reading THIS POST i changed Blynk.begin(auth); to Blynk.begin(“token”, IPAddress(45,55,130,102), 8442); and it seems to be working now. Awesome!

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I just want you all to know that I love you guys! and your extremely frustration saving posts!


Blynk + Electron has been working fine for me for several weeks now.

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hello areu guys useing this example that blynk provide with out changing any thing in it ?
i read that we have to change the heart beat to 10 so it wont take lot of data
how is it going so far with u guys is it reasnable to use to with blynk with our spending more data per month ?more than 1m

am trying to make remote start for my car with blynk

this is the code that blynk provide

/* Comment this out to disable prints and save space */
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

// Uncomment this, if you want to set network credentials
//#include "cellular_hal.h"
//STARTUP(cellular_credentials_set("broadband", "", "", NULL));

// Run "ping blynk-cloud.com", and set Blynk IP to the shown address
#define BLYNK_IP        IPAddress(45,55,130,102)

// Set Blynk hertbeat interval.
// Each heartbeat uses ~90 bytes of data.

// Set Particle keep-alive ping interval.
// Each ping uses 121 bytes of data.

#include "blynk/blynk.h"

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "YourAuthToken";

void setup()
  // Debug console


  Blynk.begin(auth, BLYNK_IP);

void loop()
  // You can inject your own code or combine it with other sketches.
  // Check other examples on how to communicate with Blynk. Remember
  // to avoid delay() function!

can u plz post the code that u used thanks
when am flashing the example above the electron is flashing red and blue its not flashing cyan