[SOLVED] Issues creating a auto/manual pump control

This project works quite similiar to mine. So i follow what he wrote and auto-mode work like a charm. i delete the timer so it wont overflow to the next timer which caused an infinite cycle. YAY! Phew, after so many hours.

void Auto(){
  if( i==0 && selectmode ==0){
  digitalWrite(relay1, HIGH);

void OFF(){
  digitalWrite(relay1, LOW);


Thanks @Fettkeewl, I thought that was done by the actual timer name… I will have to dig into that more.

So you got it figured out and working then?

Yeah. Thanks Gunner and sorry :neutral_face:
Another question, Can hardware receive sensor data from blynk uploaded by another device? through this method (with same auth token)

int = the sensor value;

No apologies necessary! Glad you got it doing what you want it to :+1:[quote=“Wesley, post:23, topic:13752”]
Another question, Can hardware receive sensor data from blynk uploaded by another device? through this method

Not quite that method (but you can control multiple devices from the app with same or different auth codes) … but yes, sharing data from device to device can be done via bridge command:


If you have issues getting that to work, then you create a new topic with appropriate title, details, code, etc :wink:

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Thanks Gunner :slight_smile:

Ay the variable name is just a way to call an object of the type Simpletimer, every simpletimer object can hold 10 timed events, and every event has its specific ID for manipulation :slight_smile:

The type is SimpleTimer
You are a human

You call an object of Simpletimer, timer1
You are called doktor Emmet Brown

Timer1 can run ten timers
Emmet Brown can move ten fingers

I hope it’s clear enough :wink: