Timer after press button

Probably a misplaced bracket or missing clsoing bracket somewhere. Those are the worst errors to debug.


These are simple C++ compile errors.
You need to check over your code for extra brackets.

1 Like

Ok now work all very good!
thanks very very very much!!

Not to steal the Lufkin’s tread - but is it possible to use several timers (SimpleTimer) objects on a Nano board?
I tried declaring multiple timers, but using more than one crashes the board continuously.

Used a method aprox. like this:

#include <SimpleTimer.h>
SimpleTimer timer;
int t1  = 1;
int t2  = 2;
void setup(){
t1   =  timer.setInterval(5000L, tf1);
t2   =  timer.setTimeout(12000L, tf2);
void tf1(){
//do something..
void tf2(){
//do something..
void loop(){

Haven’t been able to finde an NANO example with multiple timer-objects. Has anyone tried something similar?


Can you further define “crashes”? A Nano is going to run similar to an UNO, so it is more likely your code is incorrect or something else is the issue, not just because it is a nano.

Can you paste your actual code instead of your aprox example?

I think your issue might be in how you have set yours up: e.g. tx = timer…

Here is how I have mine, running fine on an Mega, Uno and Pro Micro

#include <SimpleTimer.h>
SimpleTimer timer;

void setup(); {
  timer.setInterval(500L, AnalogSensors);  // Misc analog sensors on CodeShield
  timer.setInterval(500L, whiteLED);  // White LED on CodeShield
  timer.setInterval(1000L, thermTemp);  // Thermistor  on CodeShield
  timer.setInterval(1000L, clockDisplay);  // Time and Date Widget
  timer.setInterval(2000L, sendUptime);  // Up Time Widget
  timer.setInterval(5000L, sendTempHum);  // DHT11 sensor read

void loop()
  Blynk.run();  // Run internal Blynk functionality.
  timer.run();  // Run timers

Yes by crashes I mean reboots. Starts up, goes into setup-loop, runs the code for some seconds and reboots - over and over.
The App tell me the device was disconnected every time. Led’s and println tells me that it restarts.
Thourght it might be a matter of resources on the board.
Will paste code.

Code not complete since I never got that version with timers working.
Difference to your example is that I have several timer-objects (instances of Timer) not just one Timer (timer)…

PIN 3  = DHT
PIN 6  = Power Realy
PIN 7  = "Connection Lost"-warrning LED
PIN 13 = Work in pprogress - onboard LED
PIN A0 = Light sensor
VPIN V0 = Light
VPIN V1 = Humidity
VPIN V2 = Temeparature

Your basic bathroom ventilation controller - MMonitor humidity and light.
By light-change to over 100, trig relay after 5 min., after light-change to below 100 reset relay after 5.
If humidity is abowe 60%, trig relay until humidity is 50% - set timer for 1h - if relay stille active send pushnotification.
Send monitoring data to blynk and allow for remote manually override.

#include "DHT.h" //DHT22 sensor library
#include <SimpleTimer.h> // here is the SimpleTimer library
#include <UIPEthernet.h> //Serial Ethernet module library
#include <BlynkSimpleUIPEthernet.h> //Blynk library

SimpleTimer timer; // Create a Timer object called "timer"!
//SimpleTimer t2Light; // Create a Timer object for relay hold after light off
//SimpleTimer t1h; // Create a Timer object for 1 hour warrning

//#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#define DHTPIN 3     // what pin we're connected to
#define DHTTYPE DHT22   // DHT 22  (AM2302)
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); //Delade DHT instance

const byte arduino_mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xED, 0xBA, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xED };    //DE:ED:BA:FE:FE:ED
//IPAddress server_ip   (192, 168,   2,  35);
//IPAddress arduino_ip  (192, 168,   2, 179);
//IPAddress dns_ip      (192, 168,   2,   1);
//IPAddress gateway_ip  (192, 168,   2,   1);
//IPAddress subnet_mask (255, 255, 255,   0);

const char auth[] = "####";  //Token from Blynk app
int hum;  //Stores humidity value
int temp; //Stores temperature value

int newLux = 0; //latest read lux
int lux = 0; //Light sensor read

int tLoop   = 1;
int t2Light = 2;
int t1h      = 3;

//const int ledPin = 13;
const byte warrningPin = 7;
const byte relayPin = 6;

void setup() //startup configurations
    //pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(warrningPin, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
    dht.begin(); //start DHT22 sensor
    Serial.begin(115200); //start serial communication used for Ethernet module
    Blynk.begin(auth, IPAddress(192, 168,   2,  35), 8442, IPAddress(192, 168,   2, 179), IPAddress(192, 168,   2,   1), IPAddress(192, 168,   2,   1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255,   0), arduino_mac); //Start blynk with Token, server IP, port 
   // while(Blynk.connected() == false){
       //Serial.println("connecting to blynk");
      tLoop   =  timer.setInterval(5000L, tf);  //  Here you set interval and which function to call (time, function)
      t2Light = timer.setTimeout(120000L, relayOff); // 2-min lights timeout to fan-start
      t1h      = timer.setTimeout(3600000L, relayOff); // Timer set to 1 hour
void hum1Hour(){
  digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
  Blynk.notify("FAN OFF - RUNNING FOR MORE THAN 1 HOUR!!");
void relayOff(){
  digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
  Blynk.notify("FAN OFF - LIGHTS OUT FOR 2 MINUTS.");  

digitalWrite(warrningPin, HIGH); //LED turns off when Bllynk is conneted once again
Blynk.tweet("NANO Ventilation Connected");
void tf() //Timed functions goes here
      // digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
        hum = int(10.0*dht.readHumidity()); //Read humidity
        temp = int(10.0*dht.readTemperature()); //Read temperature
        newLux = analogRead(A0);
           Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, (float(temp/10.0))); //Write temperature to virtual Blynk-pin
           Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, (float(hum/10.0))); //Write humidity to virtual Blynk-pin
           Blynk.virtualWrite(V0, newLux); //Read analog pin A0 and write value to virtual blynk-pin 0
        //  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
           digitalWrite(warrningPin, LOW);
        if(lux != newLux){
          if(((100 - newLux) + lux) < 0){ // Light changed to on
          }else if(((100-newLux) + lux) > 0){ // Lights changed to off
          lux = newLux;

        if(hum/10 > 60){
          if(digitalRead(relayPin) == LOW){
             digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH);
             Blynk.notify("VENT ON from Humidity.");
       else {
         if(digitalRead(relayPin) == HIGH){
          //Serial.println("if relay high");
            digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW);
            Blynk.notify("FAN OFF - Humidity below 50%");

void loop() //main loop
    Blynk.run(); //All the Blynk Magic starts here...
    timer.run(); //Run timer

Try this instead…

timer.setInterval(5000L, tf);  //  Here you set interval and which function to call (time, function)
timer.setTimeout(120000L, relayOff); // 2-min lights timeout to fan-start
timer.setTimeout(3600000L, relayOff); // Timer set to 1 hour

Yes I can do that and that works - however I want to be able to restart the timers and suspend them independently.

Like this?

int t1;

t1 = timer.setTimeout(120000L, relayOff);


Full doco: Arduino Playground - HomePage

Yes exactly - and that’s the example I used.
But just defining a second timer makes the board crash.

try not to define the t1 and t2.

Just declare them as int’s .

int t1, t2;

@fxfever what’s the memory details when you compile with one timer?

Pls help me…i have this error and i not understand :frowning:

exit status 1
‘param’ was not declared in this scope

What ??

@Lufkin that suggests you have a bug in your code.

Thanks, i solved the problem

i have last question about this function

Now if i Press a botton (V12)
Relay Pin D5 start cycle and work is good!

but now i need to add other relay (when V12 are switch on) without cycle…only turn on

situation :

V12 ON
D5 pin cycle time
D6 pin turn on

V12 OFf
D5 Off
D6 Off

Can you help me to undestatand ths?

@Lufkin you want to control 2 relays, correct?

Are the 2 relays in any way connected in your project or are they both independent of each other?

If they are independent I would just duplicate all the code and make a minor adjustment to the variable names for the 2nd relay.

Hi Fettkeewl

i have a question

in your code if i press ON button, start with 20sec OFF and 10 ON

but i need to place inverse time…

when start — >> 20sec ON and 10 off

but i not understand …can you help me??

Thanks very very much

Just swap theese values