[SOLVED] connecting Blynk and IFTTT

Hi there.
I want to control my bedroom light with Google Assistant. I have tried Google Assistant and IFTTT and it works well, but I want to control blynk now, and for it I use the “Maker Webhook” and in URL I put: http://cloud.blynk.cc:8080/545db798xxxxxx8da8bae2506b99bc25/pin/D7
Method: PUT
Content Type: application/json
Body: [<<<1>>>] (also I tried [“1”] )

And it doesn’t work… What can I do?
If I put this URL, method, content Type, and body on REST plugin for Tasker it works perfectly, but in IFTTT don’t.
There is any solution?

@Gunner ?
@Dimitri ?

Hello. Please ping blynk-cloud.com from your network and use those IP in IFTTT receipt. cloud.blynk.cc is no longer used. 8080 port is no necessary also.

Thank you so much!
It really worked!
Can I make a tutorial of how to make blynk integration with Google Assistant? Here on blynk community

Thank you again

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Hi im having a similar problem.
Im inputting this on IFTTT and nothing happens. I tried on REST and i get “the response was empty”.
i am trying to turn D0 on.
as body i tried : [“1”] [“0”] <<<1>>> <<<0>>>.
it is set on PUT of course, anyone has a clue ?

Have you tried a GET via a browser to:


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Alright so i have connection but for some reason i can only write to Virtual pins ? Well i can write set D0 to 1 aswell but it does not turn my led on that is connected to D0 ? when i do a GET it is set to 1 but led isnt on

You should be using virtual pins for everything anyway. One command and you can control all 128 virtual pins plus all the digital pins. ESP on board LED’s are active low, have you tried a 0?

yes did that

when i put virtual pins on 1 etc i get LEDS in blynk to light up etc but when i put a Digital pin on a value display i keep getting LOW and i can’t get it on high.

It would be great if you could make a tutorial. I’d love to see how you did it.

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Hi, guys! I made an tutorial to IFTTT check it out: How to integrate Blynk and IFTTT (Google Assistant)

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I tried doing the Blynk Ifttt integration. I can control my Wemos d1 min ESP8266 via blynk and over the internet perfectly using the Blynk app, that works perfectly and to test it I use an LED between pin D8 and Ground. But! when i set up Webhooks (ex Maker) applet on IFTTT to control the same digital pin on my device it just results in resetting my Wemo d1 mjni ESP8266 (I van confirm it just resets when the webhooks URL string is send to it) for some reason. I Tried via HTTP web UI too directly sending commands to my Wemos from the blynk server but same issue… (I used the URL with thr blynk.com server an my country’s blynk server public WAN IP) but I get the same issue so its not an IFTTT issue but something to do with the way blynk talks to the pin on the Wemos when this action is not trigered via the Blynk app. How can it be that the blynk app works perfectly to control my Wemos ES8266 but the URL strings it sends don’t? What am i missing here?
These are the strings I used to test direct via the HTTP web UI and similarly the same 2nd string but without the “?value=1” at the end. BTW I also tried both ways with “0” value too and on the Wbhooks aplet, still the ESP8266 just resets :
I used this tutorial to do the blyink Ifttt integration BTW:How to integrate Blynk and IFTTT (Google Assistant)
HELP please 

@MrSpock your issue has been covered before. D8 is just a label that your MCU manufacturer added, it’s not real. Look up the pinout for MCU and change the D8 to the true GPIO number.

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Acording to this D8 is GPIO15, so i change nuber 8 to 15 @Costas and thats it right?

Yes that’s right but try to avoid using special pins like GPIO 15 until you have used up all the more regular pins.

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@Costas “regular” as in GPIOs 16, 01, 03 etc?

No, those are also special along with GPIO 0 and GPIO 2.

GPIO 4 and 5 are the first port of call for regular pins, then 13 and 14.

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It worked @Costas much obliged! It was as u said.
Thank you!

What makes pins regular or special?

If they are not special they are regular :slight_smile:

Special pins are used as part of the flashing process and the reset process etc. They can be used but sometimes you need an extra tweak in your sketch so avoid them until you run out of regular pins.

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Thank you @Costas for all of your help it all works now but ofcourse there is like a 2 to 3 sec lag from IFTTT but its cool.
Off topic slightly can u pls sugest where i can find more info on pinout, e.g. Arduino Pro Mini VS Arduino Uno pinout differences. And Uno VS Wemks ESP 8266 Pinout difrence amd finaly more info about the special pins in detail?