[SOLVED] Arduino or NodeMCU GPS tracking system on Map widget

[263] Connecting to MikroTik Home
[1288] Connected to WiFi
[1290] IP:
    ___  __          __
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
  / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
 /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
        /___/ v0.4.8 on NodeMCU

[5001] Connecting to
[5012] Ready (ping: 6ms).
Started reading GPS data at 5015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 9861 and it took 4846ms.

Started reading GPS data at 10015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 14832 and it took 4817ms.

Started reading GPS data at 15015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 19831 and it took 4816ms.

Started reading GPS data at 20015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 24862 and it took 4847ms.

Started reading GPS data at 25015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 29830 and it took 4815ms.

Started reading GPS data at 30015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 34860 and it took 4845ms.

Started reading GPS data at 35015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 39829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 40015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 44860 and it took 4845ms.

Started reading GPS data at 45015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 49829 and it took 4815ms.

Started reading GPS data at 50015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 54861 and it took 4846ms.

Started reading GPS data at 55015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 59829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 60015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 64862 and it took 4847ms.

Started reading GPS data at 65015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 69839 and it took 4824ms.

Started reading GPS data at 70015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 74860 and it took 4845ms.

Started reading GPS data at 75015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 79829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 80015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 84861 and it took 4846ms.

Started reading GPS data at 85015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 89829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 90015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 94861 and it took 4846ms.

Started reading GPS data at 95015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 99831 and it took 4816ms.

Started reading GPS data at 100015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 104860 and it took 4845ms.

Started reading GPS data at 105015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 109829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 110015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 114870 and it took 4855ms.

Started reading GPS data at 115015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 119829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 120015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 124869 and it took 4854ms.

Started reading GPS data at 125015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 129829 and it took 4815ms.

Started reading GPS data at 130015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 134869 and it took 4854ms.

Started reading GPS data at 135015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 139829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 140015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 144859 and it took 4844ms.

Started reading GPS data at 145015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 149830 and it took 4815ms.

Started reading GPS data at 150015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 154869 and it took 4854ms.

Started reading GPS data at 155015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 159829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 160015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 164869 and it took 4854ms.

Started reading GPS data at 165015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 169826 and it took 4811ms.

Started reading GPS data at 170015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 174859 and it took 4844ms.

Started reading GPS data at 175015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 179829 and it took 4814ms.

Started reading GPS data at 180015
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 184869 and it took 4854ms.

It’s noticeable that every 10s you have an extra 40ms more processing time than I have.
This is either something to do with the Blynk 10s hearbeat or the fact you actually have a GPS device connected and I don’t.

If it’s the former I am surprised as you are using a local server and I am using a cloud server i.e. my processing time should be longer but it can vary from system to system.

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OK. now it’s from Blynk Cloud

___  __          __
   / _ )/ /_ _____  / /__
  / _  / / // / _ \/  '_/
 /____/_/\_, /_//_/_/\_\
    /___/ v0.4.8 on NodeMCU

[5001] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:8442
[5658] Ready (ping: 0ms).
Started reading GPS data at 5972
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 13748 and it took 7776ms.

Started reading GPS data at 13748
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 21530 and it took 7782ms.

Started reading GPS data at 21968
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 29722 and it took 7754ms.

Started reading GPS data at 29723
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 37300 and it took 7577ms.

Started reading GPS data at 37300
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 45108 and it took 7809ms.

Started reading GPS data at 45492
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 53479 and it took 7987ms.

Started reading GPS data at 53480
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 60980 and it took 7501ms.

Started reading GPS data at 60985
LAT:  30.000122
LONG: 30.000986

Finished reading GPS data at 68634 and it took 7649ms.

Did you change the 4800ms?

Strange that yours now takes 7500ms.
My cloud server is not Blynk’s server, it’s a “local” server thousands of miles away.
What Blynk server are you connecting to from Iran i.e. what does ping blynk-cloud.com show as the IP?

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I dont change 4800

Pinging blynk-cloud.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=159ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=149ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=151ms TTL=54
Reply from bytes=32 time=145ms TTL=54

Looks like that is in Germany. Probably same distance from me to my cloud server as Iran to Germany. Perhaps poor routing from Iran but I guess you are the Network Engineer :slight_smile:


the routing problem is from ISP.

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@ErfanDL Nice thing about a physical GPS device is that you get a free clock thrown in too.

QR code for Android / iOS plus Android Smartphone url are:


Change email address from user@home.com to your actual email address.
Change the timezone, unless you are in Cyprus (or GMT + 3). Project uses GMT at present.
Notification widget should be left as ON, 1min, DEFAULT RINGTONE and HIGH.

Project will send you a PUSH message with the initial Satellite fix and further PUSH messages if the fix is lost for more than 15s.

Some of these PUSH messages are actually to help me debug a few issues. Please keep a record of the “First fix” and “Lost fix” times.

You will have a fixed red LED until you have the first satellite fix and the green LED will flash as long as you are connected to the server.

@Dmitriy couple of questions:

  1. Is the 15s minimum wait period between messages applicable to any type of message (PUSH / EMAIL) or do they have independent 15s wait periods? Think I might have offended Google :frowning:
  2. Please confirm the map doesn’t actually track i.e. we have keep clicking the Google “lollipops” to see where we are in the world.

Send me a PM if you want the associated bin file.



Sorry, didn’t get it.


If we drive the map will not move along our route without keep pressing the “show where I am” icon within the Google Map?

We are creating a “trace” with the index so we can see where we have been but I don’t think the map refreshes without our intervention, right?

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My wife and I returned tired and weary yesterday from a mammoth road trip from one side of the country to the other.

We went to meet up with one of her cousins and his wife who normally live in Moscow.

I thought this road trip would be an excellent opportunity to test out the Blynk server running on a Pi ZeroW wireless AP and an external GPS device hooked up to a WeMos.

So everything running locally but accessing the satellites wherever they are located in the atmosphere.

Running everything locally was my first mistake as I searched feverishly for the Blynk data files on our return. Finally I realised the Pi was running with a system date of May rather than August. Must remember to set time and date on the Pi before the next trip or mod the system to use GPS time.

My second mistake was running the WeMos from a databank but running the Pi from the cigarette lighter connection. I realised that if I turned off the engine at any time during the road trip the whole system would go to pot. Pulling the power on a Pi without a formal shutdown is not a good idea. I do have SSH access from my phone to the Pi but it’s too easy to forget to use it if you stop for petrol etc.

We had a scheduled stop to meet up with a friend along the way and the system worked almost flawlessly until this stop. The clock time appears to have jumped back about 8 minutes for one of the minute interval data points. Having stopped and restarted the engine several times during this scheduled stop I disconnected the system for the rest of the journey as I didn’t want to trash the SD card.

The third mistake was simply not remembering the motorway junction exits correctly. So point 34 on the map should have gone South West to point 57 rather than West to point 46 and then South to point 57. Not a major detour but my wife was starting to question my sanity.

I was busy driving @Dmitriy so I never got to see whether the Google Map in the Blynk app “followed” us along out trip. Just as we were arriving at our scheduled stop I did manage to see a “slug like” trail on the map. This was caused by all the data points from our efforts driving up and down the main road in search of a particular hotel in “Little Moscow”.

All in all a satisfactory test of the system and we are fortunate that it’s only a couple of hours from one side of the country to the other.



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How can i Store Gps Data on Map to see Road Track? same as this example.

@sh.abar.mard it was done with a Pi Zero W as a local server located in the car but with 3G /4G the server could be anywhere. Physical GPS device was connected to a WeMos and sends the coordinates to the server via Blynk virtualWrite() commands. It updates Blynk’s map widget.

Not sure if it’s this particular project but we have also used Blynk’s webhook widget to send the data directly to a special Google Sheet which is Google Earth compliant. It’s actually quite cool.

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@Costas and how was the WeMos connected to the net? Via your cell phone used as a router?

It wasn’t, just to the local Blynk server.

When I arrived home I pulled down the csv file and pasted into our online Google Earth compliant Google Sheet.

3G / 4G costs a small fortune here but when we are in the office we can send direct from Blynk to the Google Sheet. There is one manual operation of something like convert to tsv format and then it runs in Google Earth.

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Ok you mean that you have some point of your location and use it(pull it) to Google earth map and google show the points on map? Like as this tutorial Generating Google maps out of Google spreadsheets | Software Sustainability Institute

@Costas so what about Using Google Maps API ? are you test it?

Yes I have been for a drive, pulled over at pub that has WiFi (we don’t use 3G), clicked a few buttons and I can see the tracks in Google Earth.

Similar but not with the the Google Maps API. Never tried that API. We used the Google Docs API.

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