Hello, anyone can help me to activate an access to my local server?
In local connection Blynk app work perfectly but I use my local ip in the sketch.
For remote acces, what ip and what procedure I must do?
(Sorry for my bad English)
Hello, anyone can help me to activate an access to my local server?
In local connection Blynk app work perfectly but I use my local ip in the sketch.
For remote acces, what ip and what procedure I must do?
(Sorry for my bad English)
If your ISP has given you a dynamic public IP address, which changes from time to time, then you’ll need to use a DDNS service such as the free ones provided by NoIP or duckDNS.
So that the DDNS service knows your current public IP address of your router you will need to run an update script which can either be run on your Blynk server, your router, or any other device on your network which is always on.
When you configure your app then you’ll put the url of your DDNS service in the custom server field.
You’ll also need to set-up port forwarding in your router, to forward inbound data packets on the relevant port (9443 if you’re using the default setup) to your Blynk server. How you achieve this will depend on your particular router.
ok, thanks for the reply.
I don’t know how networks work, so I have to study what you wrote to me and see if I can establish the connection.
I’m not a programmer and unfortunately I have limited knowledge.
I can understand the steps you have shown me but I have absolutely no idea how to implement them on the pc-BlynkServer-java and arduino / blynk client side.
Is there a step by step guide with all the necessary steps and settings?
Thankyou again
Well… not really, no. Every users hardware/software setup is more or less unique to them. But I always recommend https://portforward.com/
Similar questions have been asked and answered numerous times before, so use the search function or browse thru this category and you might find some answers.
Good luck!
whit the power of search box i find all answer that I needed.
Now i have a remote termocontroller stored in local server.
I try whith a linux distribution, but I find a lot of problem, and finally i use a old notebook win7.
The last problem is connection whit my gmail account for the notefication and reports.
Blynk save everywhere the report that it send?
I can view them locally? meantime I try to resolve the connection to gmail
The search box have tremendous power!
I’m afraid I don’t really understand you…
Instead of running your server locally, its better you deploy it on a cloud. So that you can have access to it at all times. And need not worry of power cuts or internet connections at your place.
Or ask your internet service provider to provide an static IP (may charge extra for it)…
The most affordable and tension free solution is our BLYNK CLOUD. The energy purchase is very affordable.
my sketch on arduino can’t log on my gmail
yes, in the logs folder I see the log about blynk server. I don’t find if there a place/folder for the report and notification send
yes, view in local position the generated report
for testing solution the local server is the best way, because unlock infinite energy.
Now i use a portforward on my router.
My provider give a dynamin IP, but it is very stable and I have the same ip since february '20.
But if i execute a manual reboot of router, it change IP.
The last step is to create a No-ip service to access also if ip change
I don’t understand if in the app I have to use the local server IP or the current dynamic IP.
In these days I have directly entered my external (dynamic) IP and everything works, but when the blynk connection is missing I can’t even reach the local server anymore.
When the provider returns (if I have not restarted the router and it has not been too many hours), it reassigns me the same IP, but I would like the certainty that even in case of IP change everything works.
big-up to BlynkTeam!!
Phew… I guess there is a million reasons why that won’t work.
yes, in the logs folder I see the log about blynk server. I don’t find if there a place/folder for the report and notification send
Are you using a database?
I think you need to use the admin interface.
Perhaps you should post the code for your sketch?!
no i don’t have a database.
when everything works the data will be sent to an external app that will record the progress of fermentation in the various productions (brewfather)
For now I still wanted to send reports, but not very expert I still have some work to do.
for the sketch then I load it, but forgive me if I make some mistake in pasting it …
I summarize one thing, before 20 days ago I had never used arduino and blynk, my knowledge goes back to some C ++ command line made at school more than 20 years ago.
With a little patience I managed to get to this point … but obviously I still have to work a lot before I get to the complete thermoregulator.
Dont’t consider the thermistor probe. They are used only for test. Next days I change it with anoted 18DS20
@greender please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and re-post your code with triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code, so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:
Email isn’t used for Blynk notifications, that’s an external Google service.
If you are having problems with receiving emails from your local server then my guess would be that it’s because of one or more of these issues:
Full details about how to enable Gmail correctly are here:
Where do you think the data for these reports will come from, if you’ve not given the Blynk server anywhere to store this data?
I do not know.
seeing that the data is recorded on the supergraph, and since there is the possibility of generating reports, I thought they were also saved somewhere.
yes, sorry the problem is only on report. The pushup notification on iOS app work.
is located in the same folder of javaserver
ok thanks
sorry but I guess I didn’t understand … it was better before
…edit ok, I thought it was ‘’', but is ```
thank yuo again!
It is, in a PostgreSQL database, but this is disabled by default on the local server installation because a lot of storage space is needed to store the data.
Details of how to enable raw data storage are here:
To be honest, once you’ve invested in a large enough external storage device, configured all of your port forwarding and DDNS stuff, generated and installed your security certificates and resolved your email issues then you will have spent quite a bit of money on hardware, and a considerable amount of time to get it all working. You will still have ongoing server maintenance work to do, including backups, data management and certificate updates and software upgrades to manage.
In comparison, spending a small amount of money on Blynk cloud energy is great value for money.
Of course, there are som other potential benefits of using a local server, but as you’ve stated that saving money is your primary motivation for going down the local server route then I think you’ve made the wrong choice at this stage in your Blynk journey.
The code you’ve posted won’t work correctly with Blynk because of your void loop. You will almost certainly get disconnections as a result.
You should read this:
I do it mainly to learn. finding the service ready does not give me the same knowledge that I can acquire by trying to create everything locally.
Then it must be said that for the hobbyist level there is no need to stay (necessarily) in step with updating and anything else. Obviously what he says perfectly reflects the situation, and even just the cost of 1 pc turned on all year round probably matches the cost of energy on cloud blynk.
thanks for your attention, bye bye