Reconnection problem when the power goes out

Can I see the sketch ?
The sketch you used with blynk edgent.

#define BLYNK_DEVICE_NAME "timeer"
#define BLYNK_FIRMWARE_VERSION        "0.2.0"
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#define APP_DEBUG
#include "BlynkEdgent.h"
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <ModbusMaster.h>
#include "uptime.h"

#define vPIN_UPTIME                   V0
#define vPIN_Relay1                   V1   // فيرجوال ريلي 1
#define vPIN_LedRelay1                V2   // ليد ريلي 1
#define vPIN_Time                     V3  // الساعة
#define vPIN_Date                     V4  // التاريخ
#define vPIN_Timer1                   V5  // مؤقت 1
#define vPIN_OnOffTimr1               V6   // تفعيل وتعطيل مؤقت 1
#define vPIN_VOLTAGE                  V7 // فولت الكهرباء
#define vPIN_CURRENT_USAGE            V8 // الحمل
#define vPIN_ACTIVE_POWER             V9
#define vPIN_ACTIVE_ENERGY            V10
#define vPIN_FREQUENCY                V11 //الهرتز
#define vPin_HighVoltageAC            V12 // الحد الاعلى للفولط 
#define vPin_LowVoltAC                V13 // القيمة الدنيا للفولت
#define vPin_HighCurrentAC            V14 //القيمة العليا للحمل
#define vPin_AutoInterrupter          V15 //الوضع التلقائي
#define OTA_HOSTNAME "PZEM-004v3"

BlynkTimer   UltraTimer;

WidgetLED LedRelay1(vPIN_LedRelay1);

SoftwareSerial pzem(D5,D6); // (RX,TX) connect to TX,RX of PZEM for NodeMCU  
ModbusMaster node;
double voltage_usage, current_usage, active_power, active_energy, frequency, power_factor, over_power_alarm; 
uint8_t result;  uint16_t data[6];

BLYNK_CONNECTED()                     // استعادة القيم من السيرفر بعد اعادة اقلاع الجهاز
  Blynk.sendInternal("rtc", "sync");

int StartH1;
int StartM1;
int StartS1;
int StopH1;
int StopM1;
int StopS1;

const int Relay1  = D4;
float Voltage = 50;
float LowVolt = 0;
float BlynkVoltage = 25;
bool AlertMsgLowVolt = 0;
float HighVoltAC = 300;
float LowVoltAC = 150;
float HighCurrentAC=100;
bool IsFirstRun   = 1;
bool MsgHighVolt  = 1;
bool MsgCurrent   = 1;
bool MsgLowVoltAC = 1;
bool AutoInterrupter=HIGH;

///////////////// BLYNK_WRITES ////////////////////////////

BLYNK_WRITE(vPIN_Relay1)                        // اداة التحكم في الريلي
  if (param.asInt() == 1)
    digitalWrite(Relay1, HIGH);
    Serial.println("Relay1 on");
    digitalWrite(Relay1, LOW);;
    Serial.println("Relay1 off");


  const unsigned long DEFAULT_TIME = 1357041600; // Jan 1 2013
  unsigned long blynkTime = param.asLong();
  if (blynkTime >= DEFAULT_TIME)           
  String Time = String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second();
  String Date = String(day()) + "-" + month() + "-" + year();
  Serial.println(String("Day: ") + weekday()); 

/////////////////////// VOIDS /////////////////////////

void checkTime() {
  Blynk.sendInternal("rtc", "sync"); // Actualiza la hora con el servidor

void setTime1(BlynkParam param) {

  TimeInputParam t(param);

  if (t.hasStartTime()) {
    Serial.println(String("Hora de inicio: ") +
    t.getStartHour() + ":" +
    t.getStartMinute() + ":" +
    StartH1 = t.getStartHour() ;
    StartM1 = t.getStartMinute() ;
    StartS1 = t.getStartSecond() ;
    Serial.println("StartH1: "+String(StartH1));
    Serial.println("StartM1: "+String(StartM1));
    Serial.println("StartS1: "+String(StartS1));

  if (t.hasStopTime()) {
    Serial.println(String("Hora de finalización: ") +
    t.getStopHour() + ":" +
    t.getStopMinute() + ":" +
    StopH1 = t.getStopHour() ;
    StopM1 = t.getStopMinute() ;
    StopS1 = t.getStopSecond();
    Serial.println("StopH1: "+String(StopH1));
    Serial.println("StopM1: "+String(StopM1));
    Serial.println("StopS1: "+String(StopS1));

  for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
    if (t.isWeekdaySelected(i)) {
      Serial.println(String("Day ") + i + " is selected");

void UPTIME(){

   Serial.println(" "+String(uptime::getDays())+" days "+String(uptime::getHours())+":"+String(uptime::getMinutes())+":"+String(uptime::getSeconds()));
   Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_UPTIME," "+String(uptime::getDays())+" days "+String(uptime::getHours())+":"+String(uptime::getMinutes())+":"+String(uptime::getSeconds()));

void Timr1()                                         // تابع المؤقت رقم 1

    if ((hour() == StartH1) and (minute() == StartM1) and (second() > StartS1))
      digitalWrite(Relay1, HIGH );
      Serial.println("Relay on");

    if ((hour() == StopH1) and (minute() == StopM1) and (second() > StopS1))
      digitalWrite(Relay1, LOW );
      Serial.println("Relay off ");

  void pzemdata(){

    result = node.readInputRegisters(0x0000, 10);   
    if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess)  
    voltage_usage      = (node.getResponseBuffer(0x00) / 10.0f);
    current_usage      = (node.getResponseBuffer(0x01) / 1000.000f);
    if (AutoInterrupter==HIGH)  
        if ((voltage_usage > HighVoltAC)and(MsgHighVolt==1)) 
        //  Blynk.notify("ارتفع فولت الكهرباء اكثر من القيمة المحددة");
         // Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LogTerminal,"ارتفع فولت الكهرباء اكثر من القيمة المحددة الوقت:  " +String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second()+"  " +String (day()) + "-" + month() + "-" + year() );
        if ((voltage_usage < HighVoltAC)and(MsgHighVolt==0))
      // Blynk.notify("عودة فولت الكهرباء للحد الطبيعي");
       //Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LogTerminal,"عودة فولت الكهرباء للحد الطبيعي الوقت:  " +String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second()+"  " +String (day()) + "-" + month() + "-" + year() );
        if ((current_usage > HighCurrentAC)and(MsgCurrent==1)) 
         // Blynk.notify("تجاوز الحمل القيمة المحددة ");  
          //Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LogTerminal,"تجاوز الحمل القيمة المحددة  الوقت:  " +String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second()+"  " +String (day()) + "-" + month() + "-" + year() );

        if ((current_usage < HighCurrentAC)and(MsgCurrent==0))
      // Blynk.notify("عودة الحمل للحد الطبيعي");
       //Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LogTerminal,"عودة الحمل للحد الطبيعي الوقت:  " +String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second()+"  " +String (day()) + "-" + month() + "-" + year() );
        if ((voltage_usage < LowVoltAC)and(MsgLowVoltAC==1))
        //  Blynk.notify("انخفض فولط المولدة أكثر من القيمة المحددة");
        //  Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LogTerminal,"انخفض فولط المولدة أكثر من القيمة المحددة  الوقت:  " +String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second()+"  " +String (day()) + "-" + month() + "-" + year() );
        if ((voltage_usage > LowVoltAC)and(MsgLowVoltAC==0))
      // Blynk.notify("عودة فولت الكهرباء للحد الطبيعي");
      // Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_LogTerminal,"عودة فولت الكهرباء للحد الطبيعي الوقت:  " +String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second()+"  " +String (day()) + "-" + month() + "-" + year() );
    //active_power       = (node.getResponseBuffer(0x03) / 10.0f);
    //active_energy      = (node.getResponseBuffer(0x05) / 1000.0f);
    frequency          = (node.getResponseBuffer(0x07) / 10.0f);


  Serial.print("VOLTAGE:           ");   Serial.println(voltage_usage);   // V
  Serial.print("CURRENT_USAGE:     ");   Serial.println(current_usage, 3);  //  A
  //Serial.print("ACTIVE_POWER:      ");   Serial.println(active_power);   //  W
  //Serial.print("ACTIVE_ENERGY:     ");   Serial.println(active_energy, 3);  // kWh
  Serial.print("FREQUENCY:         ");   Serial.println(frequency);    // Hz
  Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_VOLTAGE, voltage_usage);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_CURRENT_USAGE, current_usage);
  //Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_ACTIVE_ENERGY, active_energy);
  Blynk.virtualWrite(vPIN_FREQUENCY, frequency);

void setup()
  UltraTimer.setInterval(1000L, checkTime);
  UltraTimer.setInterval(5000L, Timr1);
  UltraTimer.setInterval(1000L, UPTIME);
  UltraTimer.setInterval(1000L, pzemdata);
  Serial.println("Start serial");
  Serial.println("Start PZEM serial");
  node.begin(1, pzem);
  Serial.println("Start PZEM"); 

void loop()


I will give it a try as soon as possible, and I will let you know if I figure it out.


Try It for Algorithm Sistem :slight_smile:
[Unformatted code removed by moderator]

It’s a good idea, thank you, I’ll give it a try

No, it’s a bad idea that uses four times more memory than necessary.


@Bisri please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly
Triple backticks look like this:


I Think Can Using More Than Sistem Delay Interval(4 Or 5), But With Using Same Delay Interval,

1 Sistem Timing For 1 Function Or Methode Algorithm,

When Using 2 Sistem Timing Interval, But Using Different Delay Or Not Compability(Count Or Value Timing 1 And Timing 2)Can Make Project Crash,

What is the best way to avoid a breakdown in your opinion?

Sorry, I don’t understand any of that.

It depends what’s causing the “breakdown”.

On the subject of timers, you need to understand the capabilities of BlynkTimer and the fact that you need to avoid timers that coincide at the same point in time. You are using a single threaded MCU that can only execute one code instruction at one time. You also need to understand how long each of your functions takes to execute, so you can stagger your timers accordingly. You should probably read this…,


Thank you but the crash only happens in blynk edgen

Blynk Edgent has more functionality, so may be less forgiving of bad coding.


Please is the void loop save with the code in
I thought blynk want clean void loop ?
I want to known please

@Bright_Adinkra you should keep your void loop clean as possible for a good reason, check this out :

Yes but you’ve put code there

You mean and ?

You post 4days ago telling the guy “try this”

Which you did some Checking WiFi connection in the void loop

Incase you didn’t notice we used if statement, so the code will check the internet connection first and If you are not connected then the offline mode will be activated.