Raspberry Pi+ Arduino Uno + Neopixel Control different effects over blynk?

Hey There!

Im at a Theater Group here in Switzerland. We use a few neopixel stripes, to play 4 effects on them ( a broken lamp effect, fire effect, rainbow effect, and turn off). To Control it from the the light and sound desk, i connected my Arduino Uno to a raspberry Pi, installed VNC so i can login over VNC to put the right script on my arduino and show it on the neopixel. Its working really great.
I was looking for a cooler way to do this, and stumbeld upon Blynk. Do you guys now, is it possible to do stuff like this with blynk:

Press the Button „Rainbow“ on the Blynk App:
Raspberry Pi will load the Rainbow.ino to the arduino. The neopixels are playing the Rainbow effect.

Press the Button „Flickering Lamp“ on the Blynk App:
Raspberry Pi will load the flickeringlamp.ino to the arduino. The Neopixels are playing the Flicker effect.

Thank you all for your time

Have you ever thought about running Node-Red on your Pi?

Node-Red has a Blynk plug-in which makes it easy to integrate with Blynk.


Pete you are a legend!! Thank you, i never heard of this, im sorry. I will take a look at it, but it seems quite beginner friendly. Thank you very much!

It might be worth you reading this topic…

As you’ll see, I use MQTT messages to communicate between devices, which is a very robust and flexible way of controlling devices.


Just to clarify you won’t be wanting to load different .ino files. Rather program your “rainbow” into a separate “void rainbow” function and every other function (all in one program) and call that function either when you press an external button on the Arduino or Blynk or Node Red. Your choice.