I am attempting to send an update via OTA and am not having any luck. I have incremented the firmware version as instructed in the documentation:
If I select ‘Lower Firmware Version’ I briefly see the following error: Can't parse firmware version '{1}'. Shipment most likely won't work.
If I select to ‘No Condition’ it will start the process, but after 16 hours has not progressed through the update. The device still shows firmware version 0.2.2 in the dashboard.
The line of code is located after the template ID and template name declarations, which are the first lines of code in the sketch.
Under Shipments, the text states that the shipment is Live, but the bar beneath it is still gray.
Under Shipment Status, it shows ‘Firmware Uploaded’ with a gray indicator dot, while the firmware version still shows 0.2.2.
Does the spacing matter? IE, I think, in the currently running sketch, there is some extraneous spacing between VERSION and “0.2.2”. I noticed this only now while trying to troubleshoot.
As well, I’ve noticed that there is no auth token line in the sketch that is currently running. Should I have put this line in my original sketch? I see it under the Developers Tools → General → Firmware Information, but NOT under Developer Zone → Home → Firmware Configuration. I think this is why I did not add it initially.
Under the details for the shipment, I see the following:
* Firmware Downloaded 1:42:06 PM Today
* New Firmware Requested 1:42:06 PM Today
* Request sent 1:42:03 PM Today
* Firmware Shipment Process Started 1:42:02 PM Today
What next steps should I take for troubleshooting? Thank you for any help.