So finally setup a LED on pin 7 of my arduino and then setup a slider on the ios blynk app and on the web dashboard and it works!!! so slider moves in real time on phone and web.
one little problem I have found is that the slider is set from 0 to 255 but I need it to be from 255 to 0
ie digital 0 = 255 and digital 1 = 0
I can no longer see a way of reversing this which you could just do in the blynk app before ???
Below is my billing plan as currently setup in the Portal.
I will look at swapping out the Digital and Analog pin assignments for now.
Hopefully the Serial Monitor Widget gets added in down the road. It was useful.
I was able to rename my templates in the Portal, but the new name changes did not sync to my mobile iPhone, even after App sign-off and sign-on again. Will investigate. I ended up cloning the original, renaming the cloned copy, and then deleting the original. It worked.
The Portal Console works as expected on my Windows laptop, but not on my iPhone in either the Safari or Firefox browser. Picking selections and tabs merely highlights them, but doesn’t actually do anything intended. This may be a known issue and I just rediscovered it.
Thanks to all who answered my initial query. I just started up 2.0 yesterday. I wanted to wait until the absolute last minute for all the 2.0 libraries and configurations to stabilize.
Yes, I was able to add all the Virtual Pin datastreams I need for my Blynk Remote Control in the Console. I will leave the analog and digital pins as placeholders unimplemented for now or change them to virtual pins.
Yes, you’re correct, I saw it, thanks. Added it to the template also.
The dashboard widgets are switches, not buttons, so latching is the only behaviour available.
Hopefully we’ll get some new dashboard widgets soon that mirror the app widgets better.