Tried to setup up web portal and mobile app as per getting started instructions and pretty much given up!!
anyone else or just me?
I have managed to get arduino with ethernet connected and showing up in web portal
I have also managed to get mobile app setup and get a few random numbers on the graph appearing but only when i flick the switch or move the slider - is that correct?
should there be some further code added to Arduino IDE ? also example is showing wifi code for manual auth token provision - which will throw people - it did me at first.
Set we b dashboard up with the 3 widgets but nothing happens at all on there - I seem to be missing the point of the web dashboard all together at the moment.
my temp free period will end long before I even get this working I suspect!!!
I have done lots of work with Blynk in the past and it was fab and quick an easy to use, so far this looks like a nightmare
How have you defined the datastreams for your widgets, especially the min/max values.
Also, be aware that the template view of the web dashboard is very confusing, as it displays random data. You needs to be using the device view of the dashboard.
Have you found the device view of the dashboard? Your screen shot is showing the template view. Select the device and then look at its specific web dashboard.