nodeMCU esp12e

Hi Guys
I am looking for help / advice please my nodeMCU esp12e is not being recognised by Arduino ide I am using version 1.8.3 .When I plug the board in and ide is open the PORT is blank within the tools
I have powered the board through a shield I purchased with the 12e any help would be appreciated
Thanks John

Everything off and then back on again, if this highly technical process doesn’t fix it provide details of the shield.

Thanks Costas
For some reason I had to download and reinstall the USB driver all up and programming now
Thanks oldvolt

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Yet again I require assistance please
Before I upload a sketch to my nodemcu esp12e I have to push the on board reset button to upload the sketch . I have not used the the nodemcu esp12e for a while but I don’t remember having to push the reset button
I am sure the sketch uploaded automatically am I imagining this

From what I can recall from reading about those boards… they have a reset and a flash button… probably for use with other flashing software then the Arduino IDE. But if they also have proper USB port circuitry, then somehow the IDE tells that to take care of the “button pushing” for you…

So I would say it is normally as you suspect… unnecessary… except in the odd case, wherein the reset just clears up anything that was otherwise preventing a normal flash.

Thanks Gunner
I will try and carry out more research I have already re flashed the firmware in case there were any bugs still having to reset to upload a sketch but its not too much of a problem

@oldvolt which board are you selecting in Arduino IDE?

Do you have v0.9 or v1.0 NodeMCU? Flash button on v0.9 should be pushed before uploading new code, v1.0 does not require any user action. But reset button really has nothing to do with mcu flashing.

On the top right hand corner next to the antenna it is marked Ver 0.1
Thanks oldvolt

That’s really odd. I’m using NodeMCU v1.0 as well, original and Amica modules, and I never had to press any button for successful upload.

I had another look underneath it says use 9600 baud rate on the shield/ adapter board it is marked Base Ver 1.0
I think I have been sold a V 0.9 board
Thanks oldvolt

Can you please take a photo of your NodeMCU?

Please find attached view from the topside and bottom side of my modemcu board
Thanks oldvolt

I don’t have any experience with Lolin v3, but I know that most of NodeMCU users are avoiding this board. Try getting regular Amica v1.0 next time.

Oh?.. any particular reason these boards are not recommended??.. I think I just ordered the same one to add to my little collection

I have read about this modules 3-4 months ago, so I really can’t remember now what was the exact problem with this so called v3 boards, but guys from ESP community were not very happy with them. That’s how I choose Amica boards, and it was a right choice, board is bullet proof.

Oh well… I guess I will find out in a 4-6 weeks.

If I can make the darn near useless LightBlueBean work with Blynk then, I think I might have a good chance on this one.:stuck_out_tongue:

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I also think this board is little bit wider than Amica or NodeMCU boards, so not particularly breadboard friendly. But then again, this is what I read about Lolin v3, never had on-hands experience with it.

I have a few of these boards and they’re okay.
As @zodiac says, they’re a bit to wide to work well with most breadboards. Because of this I bought a couple of the bases in the photo and these are handy for hooking things up but I found a few issues when powering them from my PC USB whilst plugged into the base. I found that I couldn’t program the boards while they were plugged into the base, unless I powered the base through the power connector.
I also found that the USB connector on the board can be a bit touchy. Some USB cables don’t seem to work reliably with these boards.

I switched to Wemos D1 Minis for most projects. They don’t have as many pins, but for most things that doesn’t make much difference. They’re easier to use with breadboards and I like the stackable accessories and the double & triple bases.



I guess I should have stuck with the Wemos D1 Mini… but I cheaped out in order to get two of these (and one adapter)… so live and learn :stuck_out_tongue: