Node.js library on RPi and Blink 2.0

Hi All,
I’ve been a Blynk user for >4 years now for a home brewing control system and other things(It’s great!) .
I’m trying to migrate to Blynk2.0 and have a hardware setup that uses RPis. I know from reading other posts that other boards are preferable but I’d like to continue using the Rpi as it’s got dedicated hardware on top that cannot be easily transferred.
A few questions:

  1. Can the old Python/Node.js libraries work with Blynk 2.0?
  2. If not, is there alternative libraries for the RPi(ideally Jsvascript of Python)?



You don’t mention if you are using node-red. If so, take a look at this post, Cannot connect node-red using node-red-contrib-blynk-iot on RPi - Blynk 2.0 - Blynk Community.

I had to upgrade Node.js. I just recently added (June 2021) a library in node-red that uses Python. I don’t recall if I update Python at that time nor do I know what version I’m running. I did not have to upgrade Python due to Blynk 2.0.

