No button state in Node Red if i change it on the app

Hi all,
I have a Node Red server for a 2 weeks and i can switch my remote switch on my Phone and Node Red but if i change the status f the button on the Phone Node Red will not change the status if i do this on Node Red it change on the Phone on and off, what im doing wrang or where can i find a solution for it.

Thanx in advance

I need more info to be able to provide an answer.
Can you post a screenshot of your Node-Red flow showing the Blynk nodes, and provide a detailed explanation of what does and doesn’t work?


Here by the screen shot if you need more pleae let me know.

The bleu dote is that i replace the box.

So what you have in your flow is a Dashboard Switch, passing it’s value to a Blynk Bridge node.
I’ve never used the Blynk Bridge node, and don’t really see what value it has within Node-Red, because in my view Node-Red eliminates the need for using Bridge.

I don’t have the Node-Red dashboard installed in my Node-Red setup, once again, I don’t really see the point of it. As a result, I can’t demonstrate what a flow would look like because I don’t want to install the dashboard.

Instead, I’ll represent it like this:

Dashboard Switch Node ----> Blynk Write Node connected to V1

Blynk Write Event Node connected to V1 ----> Dashboard Switch Node

With this arrangement, switching the dashboard switch will update the Blynk widget on V1 and when V1 changes it will update the dashboard switch.
The only thing to look out for is that the dashboard switch and the Blynk widget both use the same values (0=off, 1=on for example).

If you want to learn more about Node-Red and Blynk then take a look at this thread:
