New version of Blynk Platform. Sign up for Beta

Any update?

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I do not believe anymore !
We are waiting since May.



Have you written to Father Christmas (AKA @Pavel) and told him what you’d like this year?
Have you been a good boy?



I got tired of waiting and migrated to Home Assistant with ESPhome. It really couldn’t have been easier.


Los buenos desarrollos toman su tiempo, es mejor esperar y obtener un buen producto para el consumo de toda la comunidad.
Felices fiestas :slight_smile:

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y humanidad, dijo el buen sabio :wink:
Felices Fiestas.

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I wasn’t familiar with HA till I read your note. It took me few hours to read up, install Hassio on my running rpi (manual install, did not burn a new OS on a SD) and get an ESP32 to display info on the Dashboard.

It looks good but it’s hardly for new starters; rather complex I’d say.

So, in my humble opinion, HA is not an easy replacement for Blynk.

Happy Holidays

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For sure, but we are still waiting for the new platform , J-3 :rofl:

AFAIK, Blynk is for prototyping your app and finally publishing and managing server side and updates for some hardware you make… for home automation, i would advise you to try OpenHab… better interface, prob much more addons, very powerful platform, and you can add your Blynk machines via mqtt… HA looks meh…

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HA is definitely more complicated than Blynk but it is also significantly more powerful. I burned onto a
blank SD card and then used add-ons manager to install ESPEasy. It’s definitely not as easy as Blynk but it was the easiest way I found to get HA up and running.

Agreed. I tried OpenHab but struggled to wrap my head around it, HA seemed to be significantly more newb friendly.

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I tried OpenHab too…
I tried HA too …
I got a headache :rofl:
But, since we have no news from the Blynk developers, I will decide on 1st of 2020 what I will choose.


leave well alone

i dont want to be pretentious here, but we should all be aware that its holidays, so you know, Pavel and others are probably spending their time with family and friends, and if they have a problem with new blynk, i dont think they are rushing to fix it, we should all be greateful and patient with the new release… they gave us amazing platform (nothing like this in the whole wide world), they will do their part, just have some patience…

The problem is that we don’t have any information since 1st of May , date of the announcement :shushing_face:
And the old platform, is now obsolete compare to others.
So what can we do? wait and wait? move alone?

Sorry all for the silence. We were super busy with deliveries for our clients.
Here is the latest news:

  • New version is 80% ready
  • There are already real users using it every day. So we can say it is ready
  • There are few things that block us from the launch - Billing and Theme/Styling. We haven’t start work on it yet. However, we can launch Beta without Billing, but Theme must be done for sure. It will take at least 1 month
  • We will try to run the Beta ASAP after we have the Theme, even we currently have a lot of the development going on for our existing clients

Thanks for the patience :grinning:, I know it is hard.


Thanks for the update. :+1:t3: “Always late but worth the wait” :joy::rofl::joy:

Hi @Dmitriy. You know that I’m a great fan of Blynk, but I have to say that the communication from you guys about Blynk 2.0 has been very poor.
On 13th June @Pavel sent an email that said…

It’s almost ready for the first Beta users, but we need some time to go through the documentation and onboarding materials. We are working full speed on that. Sorry for keeping you waiting.

That’s the last email we’ve seen on the subject.

In August you said…

5 days ago, in response to a suggestion to add calculations within the app you said…

Which prompted a request for information about the other features that will be included in the new version, but that prompted a reply that the documentation wasn’t released yet.

I appreciate that you guys are busy, and that paying customers have to take priority. But, I think you were right with what you said in August - users of the free version of Blynk ought to be able to get details of the new features that have been implemented in the new version.

If I was a potential business customer and I saw frequent “it’s almost ready, it will be here soon” comments on this forum then I wouldn’t be impressed. I’d regard that sort of research as my ‘due diligence’ process and to be honest it would probably turn me away from the company, or at the very least it would make me very cautious about progressing without cast iron guarantees and penalty clauses.

If Blynk staff took a different approach, with regular updates about features that had been implemented and things that were in the pipeline, along with reasons for delays or changes in direction, then I think you’d come across as being much more believable. At the same time you’d be whetting the appetite and piquing the interest of existing free users.

It sounds like you’re at the point where a list of features could be published, so why not do that?



the communication from you guys about Blynk 2.0 has been very poor.

Agree. In a recent half a year - every sprint for our team was a deadline for the new and new features.

It sounds like you’re at the point where a list of features could be published, so why not do that?

We haven’t even started a documentation :frowning:. This is all we have at the moment -

But idea is good, it shouldn’t take much time. I’ll try to make a basic list.