New version of Blynk Platform. Sign up for Beta

I think our blogpost covers the old version support question. In short, the answer is: The system will be maintained, but not developed further. Which means your projects will work and there is no need to be afraid of using Blynk.

Migration will be minimal as well, as Dmitriy stated.

Whenever new version comes out tomorrow, this fall or by Christmas Blynk is a fully working platform ready to take your IoT development challenges. It doesn’t stop.

Re: fonts. Your expectations that any design should work on any screen is not very correct. If you live in a small room - you can fit in a piano and a palm tree, but it might be cluttered. Or, if you have a huuuge bedroom, it doesn’t mean that your bed should be scaled proportionally just because you have a lot of space. It’s always a question of comfort, usability, visual esthetics, etc.

We are changing canvas grid density. Autoscaling is planned as an option, but it’s still in the dev/design process to make it look consistent and reduce the possibility of cluttered UI. We’ve got a lot of requests on landscape, so this is also smth to consider.

Re: tablets
Tablet apps are very different. Separate app requires a lot of additional development which we don’t plan to invest in in nearest future. Blynk is not a tablet app and it causes the scaling issues. in order to provide proper scaling, a lot of work needs to be done as well. This is a low priority now. So please, let’s put these requests on hold and have reasonable expectations: tablet app/support is not happening this year.


Christmas ?


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But which Christmas???



2040 ? :scream::scream::scream:

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In my Blynk app archive I still keep some interesting version of Blynk app. It is called “blynk-tablet-check” version 2.27.0 and is dated (the file timestamp) 07.2018. I really don’t remember under what circumstances I received it and what was the reason to issue that specific build - probably testing after font size strategy change. But the interesting thing is it WORKS in landscape, but not quite as it should. :thinking: I mean, it works in a landscape in otherwise useless Android distro for OrangePi but not in a “normal” Android tablet, where it reverts back to portrait. The “normal” version of Blynk app closes itself in this Android build for OPI. The layout is NOT optimised, but IT IS landscape :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks for the update @Pavel just a point of confusion / you i indicate it will be maintained but in previous post by @Dmitriy he seemed to indicate from his response only the android not iOS app will be maintained as new iOS updates from Apple come out - or did I misunderstand?

It’s both, of course.

That might have been on of the app prototypes we did.



I was wondering why so anxious about release of Blynk2 as soon as possible
Did we squeeze out all capabilities of Blynk1???:stuck_out_tongue:


Yes. This is also in the plans.


Keep Blynk1 is like staying with Windows XP :wink:
But we don’t know what will be Blynk2
We are in the fog of London city :rofl:


Hopefully Windows 7, NOT vista! Haha :joy:


Thank you for all the clarifications and I appreciate the detailed reply. I remember the reasoning on autoscaling the fonts, and it is not what I was asking about. I’ll consider if it makes sense to open a new thread with some screenshots to illustrate the issue I was trying to explain for possible future discussion or improvements to be made on the upcoming platform. But this is not the right thread for it so I won’t go more into detail here.

Just a thought…
Most people are concerned about having a new Android/IOS app that will make their work obsolete so what we actually need to know is => will the New “Blynk 2” mobile apps still work with.

  1. The present self hosted server
  2. And or will the current app stay alive along the new on app stores?


No, that’s already been covered. Initially Blynk 2 will be cloud only, and it’s been hinted that there may be a locally hosted option, but Blynk are concerned about loss of revenue from this arrangement.

This has also been covered. The app will continue in it’s current state, with updates so that it supports new releases of Android and iOS, and security updates as needed.

I think different people have different concerns. For some it’s about what will be free and what will be paid. Others will be concerned about the local/cloud server issue, especially for home automation projects that need to function smoothly when offline. Others will have chosen Blynk because it met a specific need, which may no longer be met by the new version.

I think most of us have projects and re-writes of existing projects in the pipeline and for some people they don’t want to put that effort in now, then have to re-jig the project to make the most of the opportunities that Blynk 2 will offer.

Personally, I think Blynk 2 will probably be a good thing, but we need better communication from the guys at Blynk about exactly when Blynk 2 will be available for beta testing and what features the initial beta release will contain.



the question that has never been asked is :
if we become beta testers, and after one year , blynk staff decide to stop beta test , we 'll have to pay 100$ /month ?
And if we do not want to pay , back to old Blynk V1? :thinking:
we have no information on the subject.

Well, it does say…

a new pricing model is introduced. Majority of features are free for personal use and separated from features for businesses, which are paid based on usage.

I’m assuming that this equates to an affordable pricing model for users like us.



OK. I destroy the BLYNK with a snap and ready for the next BLYNK :sweat_smile:

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Will the app have communication with the Google Assistant?